
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I work at the University of Michigan in the Pathology department of the Medical school. Each year our department does things to raise money for patient charity here at the U. Last year we were able to give 27 families $1000 each at the holiday time. These are people that are in the hospital (or a family member is) and they are determined to be "in need" by the department of social work here at the University. One of the things we do is a quilt raffle. We made $7800 last year and are hoping to make even more this year. Many people donated quilts. Last year we had 13 quilts. I think we will have more this year. I am going to post photos of the quilt I made for the raffle this year. Let me know what you think of it! I am hoping it will raise a lot of money. Here is the link to view previous years quilts and to look for to view this years quilts (after Nov 20th).

Here are some pics of the quilt I made 2 years ago called "Oh Holy Night". It was a pattern published in the Jan/Feb 04 edition of Quiltmaker magazine.

I saw this quilt in an issue of Fons and Porter magazine and fell in love with it. My friend Liz longarm quilted it. If any of you need a good longarm quilter email me and I will give you her email address. I call the quilt "Star of Wonder". Enjoy!!

Here are a few close ups too:

I heard recently about a book called One Thousand Gifts. It talks about the things you are thankful for in your life, things provided by God. I think I am going to start a list too as I have soooo many things to thank God for. I am going to try to reach 1000 tings too. Feel free to let me know what you are thankful for and link here with your list! Happy Thanksgiving!!

1-A loving God

2-A loving Family

3-wonderful children

4-amazing cats

5-My mom and dad

6-My sisters, even though I didn't always appreciate them : )

7-Reliable transportation

8-A house to live in

9-My bernina

10-doctors, especially this last year!

11-Sunshine on a cloudy day

12-My wonderful friends

13-My international friends

14-the smell of clean hair

15-The smell of chlorine on a wet swimmer

16-The ability to watch my wet swimmer swim

17-Eye glasses

18-the smell of fresh cut grass

19-The smell of banana bread baking in the oven


21-My washer and dryer

22-My dishwasher

23-kittens and puppies

24-email and the internet
