
Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Quilty Stars

 I started on a new quilt.  
My friend Mel, spurred me on.  
She and I like to choose a quilt and then both make one.
  She is in Colorado and I am in Michigan, but it is fun to "work together" from a distance.  
Since this is one I was planning on making for a wedding gift
 it seemed like a great plan to get a jump on it. 
 I have a few others I "need" to do but this is the only wedding one I have for 2021 (so far) 
and no new baby quilts. 
I have one more family quilt to make and am still deciding on a pattern.
 I feel like once this one is done I may have a little breathing room to finish up some WIPs and maybe even begin something I actually want to do just because!

Have you seen the Quilty Stars pattern? 
 It is so cute.  
Of course you ^know^ the colors I have to use right?? 
 Gray and white.  
This is the center and then there are HST to make the star points.
I have those all sewn and trimmed.

This one was "helping" me trim my HST
I had to keep moving his back legs to turn the mat.

He was SOOOOOOO tired after all his helping!

I am excited to get time to work on this soon. 
 My other friend Traci has a shop and sent me a baby quilt to make for her shop. 
 I have all of the blocks finished.
I cut something incorrectly so am waiting for a bit more fabric.



Weekend Antics

 We had a busy weekend.  On Friday we were at my SIL/BIL's house for a college graduation party.
Many of my husband's large family were there to congratulate our nephew
 and send him on his way to a new job in SLC.  
It was fun to reconnect with family.  

I managed to snap a selfie with Chris.

I got this photo of Chris with three of his great nieces.

Clara is such a sweetie.  
She always wants to sit on my lap whenever we get together!

His birthday was on Sunday.
We had a celebration at our church with many of his friends there.
Fun, food and friends.

I am so looking forward to this summer and spending time with friends and family.


Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Nightingale Quilt Is A Top

I got the blocks sewn into a flimsy.  YAY!! 
 I finally had a moment to get some photos today too.
I feel like this is such a gorgeous quilt . 
 I can't wait for the backing to arrive so I can send it to get quilted.  
I chose a silver minky for the backing.

I have seen a couple of quilting patterns used that I like so will need to decide upon the final one.

I didn't work in the yard today but I did find a friend.
Can you spot him?

Crazy little tree frog!

I took Cole out for his morning walk and he wanted to stay out. 
 I hooked his leash up to the stake in the ground and when I came back outside about 20 minutes later he was in his tent.  LOL 
 It must be the day for crazies.  Crazy frog and crazy cat!

I did manage to get a few things on my "to do" list done today.
I feel like for every one thing I cross off 2 more get added!

Tomorrow I am going to pick up a live trap to try to catch the stray we are feeding.
He is not ear tipped so no one has done TNR on him previously.
I hope we can get him vetted and then return him to his outside.
Adult ferals don't do well in placements.

Fingers crossed I can get him into the trap.


Monday, May 17, 2021

Nightingale Quilt

 I am still trying to adjust to being home again.  
There is so much to do here! 
 I bought plants for the garden and some hanging baskets.  
I did weed the side garden and now I need to plant. 
 There is SO much yard work to do!!!  
I have had zero motivation to actually sew in the week since we have been home.  
I changed out all the bedding in both bedrooms today and did some laundry.
 I put away all the clean clothes from the camper and did some organization.  
Some days the work list seems so overwhelming!! 
 That makes me want to do nothing.  Do you ever feel like that?

Yesterday I thought I would put together the back for my "Canada Quilt".
I didn't think it would take *that* long but it took me over 2 hours to piece a back.
Every time I thought I was finished I realized it was not large enough.
I wanted to use fabric I had here rather than go out and buy fabric.
I did manage to do it using only fabric from my stash!!!
I did not get a photo of the quilt top or back, will have to do that once it is back from the quilter.

I then pieced the top for the Nightingale quilt.
This picture is from before I put the top together.
I will take a photo of the top tomorrow.
I was too busy to do anything with it today.

This is not a very good picture of the blocks as it is in my hallway and the lighting is crap.
I will take it outside tomorrow and get some better pictures.

I am still trying to navigate work time around the house and sewing time.
I really need to find a good balance.
Not just for the house, but also for my sanity, LOL.

I am giving plasma 2x a week and have to factor that in each week also.

Any tips on how you balance getting things done and finding time to sew?


Wednesday, May 05, 2021

Spending Time With Avery

 Our month in NC is coming to an end.  
We have spent almost every weekend with Avery and his parents.
  I have taken hundreds of photos and would love to share just a few of my favorites.  
Today, when I walked in and went to the room where he was on the floor,
 he looked up at me and was smiling so much! 
 It just melted my heart. 
 He is such a happy little guy and such a pleasure to be around.  

That smile!

 I took an entire series of photos of Chris making Avery laugh.
It was so difficult to choose just a couple!

This video of Chris making Avery laugh is the cutest!

The perfect ending to our visit this month.