
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Doll Quilt Swap

I am soooooo excited. I finished piecing my doll quilt top and I am very pleased with the results!! I hope my partner loves it as much as I do. The top was made using only stash fabrics. I really want to show a picture but I will wait until my partner gets it to put up the picture. I found some err, ehh, *unique* fabric for the back. I kept looking at the fabric at the store and had no idea why I knew I was supposed to buy some but I finally gave in and did it. *Now* I know why. My partner loves this! I even made the binding today so all I will have to do is sew it on with a label and I can post it once it is back from the quilter. (Love piecing, actual *quilting* not so much, lol) I will probably make the label today too, but later. I have been trying to visit the other swappers blogs and I am through the K's. So far I have found one other person from Michigan. Are there anymore??

I have a friend that has bone cancer and she had to have all her teeth in her upper jaw pulled. She had to undergo radiation for awhile and has one week off before she begins chemotherapy. She has no family, or spouse just her cats. I am thinking about asking my quilt group if they will help me to make a cat themed quilt for her. I haven't decided but I think I will let everyone make what ever they want either using cat fabric or making a block with a cat on it. I have a book of appliqued cats called "Claire's Cats" by Darcy Ashton so I think I will do fusible and make mine appliqued. Any ideas or suggestions would be most welcome. I have to go to a graduation party now so I better shower and get ready. Hmmm, maybe I'll just dart on down the basement and see if I can find that book first...


  1. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I hope her health improves after all her therapy.

    I can't wait to see what your quilt looks like. People have different opinions about posting for swaps. It's totally up to the quilter. I'm such an instant-gratification junkie that I always want to know about my swap and usually post my sent package, too. I rationalize this by thinking that she doesn't know that she's my partner, so there's no harm. Other swappers prefer to keep the mystery.

    Here are the other Michiganders from DQSII:
    Jean-sophie Wood
    Lynn Harris
    Tracie Lampe

  2. i too hope the health improves for your cat friend... it sounds a lovely idea about a cat quilt for this lady... let me know what the plans are.

  3. Sorry about your friend, I'd be glad to send a cat block - not one of Claires though & not one in 30's... (My friend has my Claire's Cats book - STILL & I really do not care for 30's prints...)


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