
Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Here I am another year older!! I guess it is better than the alternative :0

I had dinner with a good friend last night and I will have a meeting of the church ladies for quilting tonight so I guess my family celebration will wait until tomorrow. A "birthday week" if you will, yep, yep. I have dinner plans with some more friends on Friday so it really is lasting a whole week. When I got into work today 2 of my friends suprised me with presents. My friend Karen gave me some wonderful new perfume. She wears it all the time and I love it on her, Miracle by Lancome. I love it, and her, she is such a sweetie. She is from Brazil and she a really sweet person. My friends Yuki and Hiro gave me a bottle of wine with a cat on the front, did they know I love wine and cats... They also gave me some magnets that are tiny quilt sampler blocks. Very adorable. Yuki also picked out some note cards that are a chair with folded quilts piled on it with an orange tabby on top of them. Looks like Aiden in my sewing room! They are very dear friends. I will try to take some pictures of the gifts so you all can see how nice they are too.

My DD, Kelsey gave me a lavander blanket. It is light purple Minkee with dried lavander sewn into it. It is for stress relief 9I don't know who she thinks is stressed...) It is vrey nice. I love it and her!

My friend, Liz the quilter, actually gave me back the yellow bow quilt today. I just gave it to her yesterday!! She is simply the best and most amazing person ever!! She is leaving on vacation next week and knew that I wanted to get the binding and label on it for a baby shower on the 25th so she did it first thing for me. Isn't she such a sweetie?? Once I get it bound and the label on it I will get some photos and post them too. She did an outstanding job on the quilting. If you thought it was cute, just the top, wait until you see it quilted.

Looking back over the last year, I have to say it has been a good year. Everyone in my family is healthy and happy. I am truly blessed by my family and my friends! Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Oh! It's late in Michigan... are you still up?

    Happy Happy Birthday!

  2. We share a B'day! I'm another year older today too.


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