
Monday, January 28, 2008

8 things Meme

Natalie of Chicken Blog fame, has tagged me with an 8 Things Meme.  For those of you who don't know her, we met when I sent her a doll quilt when I was in the doll quilt exchange.  Who knew we would become friends?  Thanks, Natalie for the tag and here goes:

8 Things I am passionate about:

1-My family
2-How to treat others
3-How to treat animals
4-Respect and kindness
7-My friends

8 Things to do before I die

1-Make sure everyone knows I love them
2-Visit Australia, Ireland, Scotland and Sweden
3-Learn to scuba dive
4-Go on a cruise 
5-Go Fossil hunting
6-Make a masterpiece quilt
7-Make a quilt for everyone I love
8-Take a long road trip with my husband

8 Things I say often

1-I love you
2-What goes around comes around.
4-Good Godfry
5-ShKelsey or KaShelby
6-What are you thinking?

8 Books I have Recently Read

2-Harry Potter, the last one
3-One Block Wonder
4-Driven to Distraction
5-Who has time to read?  I am getting books on tape soon so I can read and quilt at the same time.  I love to read but do it to exclusion of everything else when I do.

8 Songs I could listen to over and over

1-O Holy Night
2-The Fisherman's Song-Carly Simon
3-Amazing Grace
5-That song by five For Fighting about time passing
6-Pretty much all Celtic Music
7-Pretty much most Christmas music
8-Can't think of an eighth song.  I love lots of different music

8 Things that attract me to my best friends

1-Common Interests
2-Sense of Humor
4-Listening skills

8 People who should absolutely do this game.

I hate to single anyone out so if you want to do this consider yourself tagged!  I hope you enjoy what you learned.

Last year for my birthday, my friend, Ellen, gave me a quilt, all cut out and the pattern to make it with.  I loved it but it has been put aside.  I got it out on Sunday and made the top.  I then pulled from the stash and made a back.  I had enough of the red inner border (from my stash) to make the binding so I have that all ready too.  I will put up a picture when I get it back from Liz, unless she will hold it up for me before she takes it today.  It was much too dark to take a picture last night.  I have decided that I will work my way through the projects I have in the baskets and bags upstairs before anything else new.  I have lots of things I bought to make a certain quilt with and this year will be that year.  I want to get as many of those done as possible.  Most of them are for family so that will be a good thing.  Photo to follow soon, I hope!

Edit:  I finally got someone to hold the top so here is a photo of it and a close up.  It is from the Take 5 pattern.  I think it turned out quite well.


  1. I love the colors and the pattern of that quilt! Great job!

  2. That quilt is adorable! Great colors for a spring time quilt. Oh my could I use some spring about now!


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