
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Orphan Blocks

I have no idea what got into me last night!  This weekend I was going through some stash bins and found these orphans.  They were not sewn together but were all cut and pinned as a group.  I had found a pattern that used these kind of blocks to make a purse so I sewed them together and will *try* to see if I can figure out how to make the purse.

This is the second one and the pattern.  I hope it will turn out well!  Do these blocks look familiar?  I made 2 quilts with the dragonfly stack and whacks, one for each DD.  One was with the turquoise and the other with a pinkish-purple sparkly as the setting.  Remember??

As you know, I have been diligently cutting blue 6" blocks for DD2's quilt.  So when I found the orphan blocks I realized that in order to make those into something usable I would need to make more, so I cut up several of those 6" blocks into these.  Now I will need to cut more 6" squares, where will it all end?? LOL
Which I will add to this to make a little table top quilt.
As I laid awake last night, tossing and turning, I had a brilliant idea for what to do with this quilt.  Unfortunately, I can't share it here as the person I will finish this for reads the blog.  I will be doing some creative border work and hopefully what I have in my brain will translate onto the fabric and look like I want it to!  Always dicey, I know but well worth the try.  I hope I can pull it off.  I am very excited to do the designing and then to get it to my friend.  I may post peeks as I go along we'll have to see.  I really do want it to be a total surprise so...


  1. Hey there -- I'm playing catch-up on my blog reading so forgive me for condensing here :0). Those quilts you brought to the boys' home are wonderful as are the design ideas for the graduation quilts. I use graph paper as well (though I don't have the EQ software at all so, only way I have to do some of my designs) :0). And those orphans and the purse idea? Just wonderful!


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