
Thursday, March 27, 2008

I Just Joined a web-ring

Hey how about that?  I just joined the web-ring called "More quilting for fun".  I have never been a part of a ring before.  I saw it over at Finns place and it sounded like fun.  We can all use a little more fun in our lives, right?  Now I just have to figure out what to do with it, lol.  I will begin by visiting all the other blogs that are part of the ring and I will let you know what I find.  If you have time, join me in visiting some new blogs (at least new to me!)

Have a happy day!


  1. Hi MamaSpark, thanks for stopping by over at Pieces *VBS* I'm always happy to see a new face and another quilter. Congrats on joining the ring, it's a fun group. As I said, I'm not so good at making my way to ALLLLLL the people on the ring list, but I for sure try to post my WIP on Wednesday...LOL, except it's usually Thursday before I get it done.
    The pattern for yesterdays quilt was in American Patchwork and Quilting...1997, I think. I only have a zeroxed page, but let me check it and get back to you. Drop me a line at and I'll send a copy along as an attachment. It's a very simple 4 patch variation. Makes 8.5" block, so it uses 4.5" and 2.5" pieces...very easy. You get nice visual affects in the lay out. Hugs, Finn

  2. I can see why your DD2 fell in love with the UQ -- it's lovely :0). I also LOVE those red shoes -- way too cute!

  3. welcome!!! you and your cute red shoes are a great addition!


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