
Friday, May 09, 2008

My Paducah Debut

I have a very funny story to tell you about the Japanese quilters at Paducah.  There was an exhibit of Japanese quilts there in a special section.  Yuki and I went there and we were waiting to talk to the group of Japanese quilters when a woman in front of us turned to me and was asking me if I knew what "DV" stood for as it was on a quilt around the corner.  Of course I did not and the quilters did not speak a lot of english so I asked Yuki to translate.  Of course the quilters were thrilled to meet another Japanese quilter so there was a lot of talking, very fast talking!  They explained that "DV" stood for domestic violence.  One of them had done a quilt with a purple ribbon symbolizing ending domestic violence.  Yuki explained that most Americans would not know the abbreviation.  Well, they gave Yuki lots of candy, tea and "stuff" from Japan and we were on our way to look at their quilts.  My favorite was this one, and I met the woman that made it too!
I thought these cranes were pretty great as well.
This was an unusual use of color in a double wedding ring quilt.  
So here is where my story continues.  We walked away and were about half way around the convention center when a little Japanese woman came chasing us down!  She wanted us to go up to their hotel room and meet the rest of the quilters.  So we went to the room and met, apparently, a very famous Japanese quilter.  She did have some amazing quilts.  I will have to ask Yuki her name as I don't remember it.  They gave us some gifts too.  Well, the woman that brought us there was speaking with the leader and with Yuki and then Yuki turned to me and told me they wanted me to make signs to put by their quilts for display.  They pushed paper toward me, a marker and a book with what they wanted (the title of their quilt and their name and an explanation of "DV").  They wanted an American to write it in English.  So I did.  They showered us with gifts.  Finally Yuki and I were on our way.  We stopped back by the Japanese exhibit only to see my signs proudly displayed by the quilts.  So even though I have not had a quilt accepted in this show I WAS IN THE SHOW!!!  See??

Well, after all that excitement, Yuki and I had reservations to go to Patti's Settlement, famous for their 2" pork chops.  Here is Yuki enjoying some tea.  She had never had drinks from a Mason jar before and thought it was cute.
They bake and serve the bread in a flower pot!  The strawberry butter is the best!
Here is what my dinner looked like.  Isn't that pork chop amazing??
Of course we had to buy a slice of pie to bring home to share with Liz and Marlene (there was no way we had any room left after that dinner!)  The pie was chocolate and yummy!!
I still have a few more stories but hopefully they will be winding down and you can see what is happening in the now.  Except for the fact that quilting is taking a back seat to lacrosse.  Our game last night was cancelled so I ended up having a free night.  So I made dinner and did a little sewing on my sister's quilt.  Not a lot, I have been so tired at night lately.  The game is rescheduled for tonight, of course.  No rest for the wicked!  Have a good weekend!!


  1. I really enjoyed this story. What an excellent debut. Seriously, making connections, building bridges like you and Yuki did... it just gives the most satisfying feeling.

  2. Anonymous2:00 AM

    Great story! Love your contribution to the show. The food...WOW. Chocolate pie too! I am drooling here!

  3. Wow great story in meeting other quilters too with the same passion.....oh all that yummy food.
    I have really enjoyed reading about Paducah.


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