
Monday, May 05, 2008

Paducah part 2

I told you I would post more but I have been incredibly busy since I got back. I pretty much hit the door running and just had time today to post again. Last week we had 3 lax games, DD1 came home, went back to IN and came home again, DD1 and I moved DD2 from her dorm into an apt for the summer, I had to be in charge of concession at the game on Sat and again tonight as one of the people in charge of it is in Hawaii (the poor thing) and the other one had her son in the hospital (he's ok). I have a lax game tonight and a meeting with the athletic director before to firm up a jv team for next year, a lax parent meeting tomorrow night, quilting with the church ladies on Wed, a lax game on Thursday and another game on Sat. Did I mention that DD1 left yesterday to go and live with my dad and sister while going back to school at GVSU to get her teaching certificate? No? Well add that in there too!

Anyway I have LOTS of quilts to show you from Paducah. If you are not interested, just come back later. These are only some of them, I have more and will post more later. But here goes...

I just loved the animal applique on this one. Isn't that squirrel so cute? And of course the cat!
The other side had a really adorable bunny.
I have the book this was made from but would probably never end up making it. This was so beautiful.
Up close of the dragon.
The quilting on this was amazing but the thing I really loved was the use of the colors. They were not what I think of as *typical* or traditional colors.
This was one of my favorite quilts. I love the way the border just draws you into the quilt. Very unique!
This one an award. You really need to click on it and see it up close, astounding!
Of course, I took lots of photos of cat quilts.
These little nine patches were so adorable. What a quirky family, huh?
This horse was beautiful too (although what quilts weren't beautiful?)
Still want more. I'll post some more later. The window is open and I am getting cold! Enjoy these!!


  1. Yes, more!
    Oh my gosh.
    I have to admit they make me want to retire. I know how far I can go, am willing to go, and when I see how much better other people are, I think "good grief, why do I bother?" That's okay. I am too hooked to actually give up, and with more inspiration, and maybe some lessons, I will quilt my masterpiece... tee hee. You are certainly a quilter that inspires me to raise the bar. Thank you for that.

  2. I have that cat pattern from the album quilt. (Maybe I can get 1 block done?)

  3. That quirky family quilt is by Mickey Depre...she has a website and the pattern is for sale!


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