
Monday, June 23, 2008

Weekend Fun

It was a good and productive weekend.  I got a chance to work in the garden.  I got a large section of it weeded (still lots more to do though! *sigh* it never ends).  These are some close ups of the beautiful lilies in DD#2's garden.  Aren't they beautiful?

Last week DS went to Lax camp and this was after he came home.  He was a little sunburned and very tired!  Jack felt it necessary to keep him company during his nap.  Notice the Texas fleece he is sleeping with?  I took the quilt so I can put a sleeve on it and de-cathairify it.  (Like that word I just made right up??)
I was determined to get the "M" string quilt, if not done, at least mostly done.  I had quilting with the CL's this Sat and worked on sewing the blocks into rows.  Here is Hallie helping me make the additional yellow blocks I needed to make to make this quilt work out how I wanted it to.
Here is the quilt all layed out at the church.  All the rows are finished but now sewn together.  I thought the "M" looked a little squat so I needed to make one more row to lengthen the "legs" of the "M".  I did manage to get the whole top finished on Sunday.  I will photograph it today (By the time I finished it it was dark outside and I don't have anywhere to put it inside).  It turned out to be 84" X 105", so it is a HUGE quilt.  
If you are a Michigan fan it certainly is an "in your face" Michigan quilt!  Now I just need to put a back together and I can had it off to Liz.  This is for the Pathology raffle for this fall.  So, what do you think?


  1. I am not a Michigan fan but it is nice. I do root for Michigan if they are not playing USC but I must say they have a good team and they know how to play hockey well.

  2. Wow! The Michigan quilt is fabulous! I know several people who would love to be its new owner. I bet your son is glad to be back home. Looks like Jack is happy to have him home. Hallie is about as much help as Jasper or Annie. Cute picture, though. The flowers are beautiful!

  3. Very bold! Strings are SO versatile.

  4. That is one cool 'M' quilt! did you make a dent in the blue and yellow string bin?! I'm sure it will be a great fundraiser for your group! that is so generous of you to make it :)

  5. Wow...what a quilt. This is going to raise a ton of money. Teens (I assume he is) can be so peaceful when they're sleeping.

  6. Anonymous1:04 PM

    GO BLUE!

  7. What a great quilt! Those strings are wonderful to work with!


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