
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Quilter's Show and Tell

My good friend and LAQ, Liz the Quiltin' Whiz just sent me to a blog that is all about quilty show and tell.  This is the link

Anyone, and I mean anyone, can submit photos and stories about quilts that you have made.  You *need* to go and check it out!!  She wants to make the site a place where we will all get to see more of everyone's quilts daily.

Why are you still here reading???  Get going and check it out.  In addition, submit some of your quilts to the site!! = )


  1. I could spend all day, every day there! That's a fantastic site! Who will prepare my meals and clean my house in the meantime??? You're providing much too much temptation... gotta go... ;)

  2. I will have a peep when I have been a goody girl and sewn round some more leaves.
    I have enjoyed reading about your story on the quilt and the your family get together.
    Thankyou for your emails they have been great.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~