
Thursday, November 20, 2008

More shop hopping

We had two more shops to go and these were the only things I bought at Sew Together in Richmond.  They were 50% off!  I love the Pumpkins gone wild line!  Good thing I didn't need a lot cut as the woman cutting was the slowest cutter I have ever seen.  Really, I mean it.  She was very nice but really really slow and God help you if you let her fold your fabric!!  

We were late because of the stop in Fort Gratiot (and the slowness of the checking out and cutting) so we got to Quilt-n Friends in Sterling Heights and were the only ones there.  The shop workers and the owner could not have been any nicer!  I got this jelly roll for 50% off too!!  As we were getting ready to leave and everyone was in the bus she turned out the lights and we all laughed then she turned them back on again and waved to us with a huge grin on her face!!
I bought these there too intending to use them for Amy's quilt (and I actually have used them already!)
So after our big adventure we were finally on our way home!  I forgot to tell you that I had a severe head cold that began on Friday and I was so drugged up because you know I was NOT going to miss this day of quilty goodness!!  I am, BTW feeling much better now although I am somewhat concerned that my brains have been replaced by snot.  We'll see!!

I had placed an order with eQuilter that showed up of Friday before the shop hop which was quite good since I wanted to bring the focus fabric for Amy's quilt with me.  I also had a discount coupon so I ordered the 2 fabrics shown here for the stash.  Someday I will make a King Arthur quilt for ME!!
So the focus fabric is in the center and all of the new fabrics I bought for Amy's quilt are around it.  I am so excited to begin it!
Let me tell you a little secret, I began Amy's quilt on Tuesday when I stayed home with this blasted cold.  I designed it on my trusty graph paper and boy am I glad I have that to refer back to because it is a little complicated.  I pulled some additional fabric from my stash to use and so I should have enough without buying any additional fabric.  I realize that I don't have a lot of purple but I am hoping I can use what I have without buying more.  When I get a little farther along I will show you what I have.  The quilt calls for 80 blocks and I have almost half of them finished!!  It is really turning out to be a spectacular quilt.

I have to make soup for another fundraiser and then some pumpkin pies for my friend from Brazil that loves pumpkin but will not be here for Thanksgiving, so probably not much sewing tonight!  Maybe I'll take a picture of the food! LOL.


  1. love the fabric you bought, especially those pumkin leaves.
    I can't wait to see Amy's quilt, the fabrics are fabulous.
    Is this the right time to tell you that I've been to Tintagel, one of the places King Arthur is supposed to have resided in.

    Love and hugs Gina xx

  2. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Well, if you start drooling and get a glazy look in your eyes, you can always blame it on a snotty brain instead of quilt-o-holic syndrom.
    (Glad to hear that you're getting better!)

  3. wow all your blogs look great and I love the green and turqoiuse material really yummy
    I hope you feeling much better now.

  4. Not ready to show the blocks for Amy's quilt yet huh? Keeping us in suspense! The colors are lucious!

  5. A shop hop, thats a great idea! And a lot of nice fabrics! Love the idea of a King Arthur quilt and looking forward to it when it will be finished! :)

  6. I love your M string quilt! very bold!!! and cery creative way to use strings. I'm sure someone will love using this one at the cold football games and sure to catch the eye of many thousands of other M fans!!! Great job!

    Love from Texas! ~bonnie


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