
Thursday, January 08, 2009

Adding a Third Column

I was blog reading and found a place that walks you through how to add a third column to your blog (See below in red) I mean it is EA..SY!! I did it and things turned out just fine. All you need to know is what template you are using. I wasn't even sure about that so I looked under "change template" and found out that I use Minima, layout (whatever that means). So if I can do it you can to. What are you waiting for, go and try it out!!

Now can anyone tell me how to strike out a word??

So since you were all so helpful with how to cross out a work in the main part of the blog, I decided I needed to learn how to do it in the sidebar so Patti cam to my rescue. I tried to make my link work above adding the third column but it won't work so if you visit Patti she explains that as well as how to be able to strike out a word in your side bar. Thanks, Patti!! Many more folks will now be able to do this!!


  1. To strike out a word put an s between the chicken beaks and then the word you want stricken and then a forward slash and s between another pair of chicken beaks... does that make any sense? If I write it here it might just do the action in stead of showing the code.

    Good grief, this reads silly.

  2. Looks great! One thing - your link doesn't work. Thought you'd like to know.

  3. You guys are so smart - lol - I still have old, old, OLD blogger and am afraid of switching anything around. Maybe someday I'll fiddle with things.


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