
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Who doesn't love YBR?

Am I right? Most of us have made a Yellow Brick Road quilt. It is a great, time honored quilt pattern. I have taught many a person to piece using this pattern. Well, I just found Terry Ann's blog! I saw a link at Mary's blog to a tutorial on TA's blog for a graph paper binder cover. It is just the cutest thing ever. So just like Mary, if you have a spare minute and need something to do feel free to make one and send it to me! I am going to see if she will make one for the bigger pads of graph paper too!!

OK, I was blog hoping and found this over at Chooky blue's Blog. You can publish your blog as a book! It's at Blog2print . How cool is that? I am going to look into that so my kids will have it as a record. You can do soft or hard cover and it will work from Blogger or Typepad. Currently it takes 350 photos.


  1. Oh, the "apronons" is so funny! Thanks for the visit.

  2. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Here is the link to Blog2Print's home page:

  3. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Just love the site for the graph paper binder cover. I think that my oldest grandson would like one. I am going to try and make it.

  4. i think printing the blog would be such a great thing. definitely have to check this out.

  5. I really liked BLURB but for some reason they don't do Blogger anymore. And I just tried Blog2print but they won't accept my blog either! I guess I'm not ready to be in print!


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