
Thursday, July 09, 2009

Almost Florida time!

So it is almost time to go to Florida. I am so excited. Last night I had quilting with the ladies at CHV and got to meet one of the grandchildren. He was so adorable! As he was walking to the car with his nana he called out to me to "have a good time in Florida", "Have a good trip to Florida" and then as he was farthest away from me and getting into the car as an afterthought I heard this little voice call out, "and be good!!" LOL so adorable. Great little guy you have Pauline!

When I got home from work yesterday this package was waiting for me with new owl fabrics. I have a sick addiction yes? Isn't the orange one just fabulous? I got it at The Spiders Web Fabric and Quilt Shop online. There are some more I am considering at the Village Comforts quilt shop too on a yellow background.
Newest owl fabrics
After I left the CHV quilt group I had to get home and make a label for the HUGE aqua and brown quilt I am bringing to Florida with me. It occurred to me that you had not seen the final border either so here is what I finally decided on. You can also see the label.
Border on Mary's quiltLabel on Mary's quilt
I found a wonderful saying that "every gift from a friend is a wish for happiness" which I included on the quilt. I thought that was a great quote! I have no idea if Mary has a computer in Florida or if I will have any access but if so I will try to post and if not I'll be back in a little over a week. I get home on Thursday night but LTW and I are planning on going to a quilt show in Sylvania OH on Friday. If I don't get to post again, have a wonderful week. I will miss talking to you. You can email me though as I have a crackberry and will be able to email, briefly from that!


  1. What a lovely gift Pam. She will be so thrilled with it.

    Have a wonderful time and travel safe. We'll miss you too :o(


  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Be good ánd be safe!! And..have the BEST birthday ever!!!

  3. LOVE the new owl fabric! Have a great time in Florida!

  4. LOL - that little guy sounds so cute! I love the new owl fabric, yes you're addicted. *G* That quilt is stunning, love the label! She's going to LOVE it. Have a wonderful happy birthday trip!

  5. Have a wonderful time in Florida!

  6. Pam thanks for the little bluup about the spider store. I was checking it out and will do more now for halloween.

  7. Sick addiction? No. I think the owls are cute. Nice finish on the brown/blue quilt. Love that color combo. Kids say the cutest things and they are so honest... :) Have fun in Florida.

  8. Just love the owls!!! awesome.
    Are you participating in the Angel Swap??? or Secret Santa this year??


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