
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Big Ten Quilt 09

Today was the day we put the Big Ten quilt together. I spent about 4 hours last night making the quarter square triangle units for today. Thank God I did that! It made out day sooo much easier! Not to say that there was any ripping out (I was the first one to do that!) but it was a little more stressful than usual. Matching points...nuff said! I like how the blocks turned out though. We did an Ohio star. WE decided that we will make 2 each year until we all have one. (one for the raffle and one for a keeper). Since Yuki is leaving after this year we decided this one would be hers. You see all of us at Robin's house here: LTW, Judith, Robin and Yuki (not me since I was taking the photo). See the star in the background? I made that! We met up at Robin's house at 8am to begin. She is an excellent cook so she had quiche and stuff ready for our breakfast. YUMMY!!

Liz, Judith, Robin and YukiLiz, Judith and Yuki
You can see our progress here. I appliqued all the middles and also all the emblems around the Bit Ten block. There is Judith and Yuki making the binding (which I had all cut for them, along with all the borders!!)
Part bof the quiltJudith and Yuki

Here is what we had waiting for us when we finished. Wine and a beautiful spread of food. Thanks, Robin! (She even sent left overs home with us!)
After the quiltBig Ten Feast
Robin made these for Lizzy and Me for our birthdays! LTW is August 19 and I am July 11. (so mark that down!)
Here are the finished quilt tops! YEAH us!!! Juditn, Robin, LTW and me. Yuki was taking the picture. Hope your enjoyed our wonderful quilting day!
Twin quilts 02
Tomorrow LTW and I are going to Checkers to shop (we are taking our friend Pauline too). So I should have some really great stuff to show you!

Oh and BTW, we told DD's friend about the bat so she doesn't have to *wonder* about her friend's parents strange bedroom habits! Just thought you might like to know.


  1. Wow! Those quilt tops look fabulous! Congratulations to you and your team!!

  2. What a productive group you are, all this and quiche and wine, too!! I'm impressed. I need to order me some Purdue fabric for a lap quilt for *someone* for Christmas! Thanks for reminding me...

    Later, 'gator!

    Glad you got your cake, at long last. I am marking July 11 on my calendar. ;)

  3. Well Done Ladies!!! Those turned out wonderful!! Yummm quiche, I haven't had that in ages.


  4. giggle, giggle ;P
    So glad you all had such a fun sewing day. Food and wine too? Can't get much better than that in my book!

  5. Those quilts are so wonderful! Great job girls :-)

  6. My goodness you're all so productive! Love the star quilt in the background, Pam. Those quilts look wonderful!!!

  7. Wow, looks like such a fun day! What beautiful sure had to do a lot of preparation work! Food and wine and quilting too? What more does any girl want!!

  8. Sounds like a wonderful day. What could be better than sewing with friends...and a little food and beverage?!

  9. What lovely quilts well done to all, the food & cake well what more could you have wanted looks like you had a great day
    Hugs Janice

  10. Hooray! They look great.


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