
Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's Sunday Night and the feeling is right!

I had a lot to do today. The biggest thing is that I had to clean my house as we are having company. DD1's BF is coming here all the way from California to see her and to meet us! They met online and this past spring she flew there to meet him in person. They talk *all the time* and hit it off right away. It seems weird, not how we did it in the olden days, eh? But it is 2009 and I need to adjust. I feel a little weird about it too, but am willing to give it a try for her sake. I hope he is what she thinks he is and that things work out for them.

Today as I was cleaning, I came downstairs to take a break and look at my email (thanks for all the nice comments about the giveaway!) and this is what I saw. Jack...sleeping int he window. I swear cats can make anywhere look comfortable!
Jack in the windowJack up close
Thanks too for all the nice comments on this little wall hanging. I finished it last night and the overwhelming number of you thought I should use the cats. So I did. I like it. I pieced the back (since I cut up the green before t.asking you all what you thought) but I like it.
Sunday finish!
I posted about the giveaway and that I will draw a name on September 1st. Good luck to all who entered. I appreciate all your comments.

Now, what did you do this weekend??


  1. "It's Sunday night and the feeling is right" Isn't that the lyrics to a song? It sounds familiar. Your cat looks very comfy. I bet he's just trying to soak up some of the warmth from the sun as it's pretty cool out today. All weekend I've had company but I managed to clean my sewing room. I would have liked to quilt 2 quilts but that's not going to happen until tomorrow night. Have a great evening!

  2. hey, pretty mama ... in case you don't get my email or go back to my blog anytime soon - here is the link for the FQS giveaway
    but that's NOT the link they said to use if you want extra entries for mentioning it on your blog - and i have added this link at the bottom of my post from last night - i thought it was kinda confusing but i don't make the rules (i just break them)

  3. Pam, I have two cousins who met their husbands online. One has been married over 20 years, the other more than 10. It boggles my mind.
    I cleaned this weekend too - both at my aunt's, and at home. I'm whupped.

  4. Pam, your kitty is adorable and looks mighty comfy!! They are so funny, huh!! My daughter actually met her husband online....he was in New York and she was in Washington state....and it has turned out wonderful....they've been married 7 years now and he's a honey!!! I know, it's weird for our generation to think of! I hope your daughter finds a wonderful guy!! Take care!

  5. Hope the visit goes well, it always a bit akward meeting our kids new boyfriend/girlfriend anyway & so many more are meeting via the net & many have gone on to a even wed so good luck & best wishes for you DD the wallhanging is looking good well have a good time with your company
    Hugs Janice

  6. Love the wallhanging, that inner border fabric is wonderful. Jack is just toasting his back, with all that fur I can't understand wanting to be even hotter LOL. Not much sewing around here, had to work all weekend, then played a round of golf with the hubby (beat him tee hee) and two of our neighbor's kids (they weren't keeping score, just playing for fun with the old people) LOL.


  7. I Love the wallhanging... I met Jim on line so its not all doom and gloom hee hee. Id love a go on your give away competition.

  8. The wallhanging is cute!

    Love the pics of your kitty sunning himself....reminds me of one we had years ago.

    Hope you had a nice meeting/visit with the young man your dau met!

  9. Congrats girl, on winning at Mel's celebration! Love the picture of Jack. He looks so SO comfy.

  10. Love the kitty picture. So cozy. And the kitty wallhanging.

  11. Are you sure that isn't Jasper in your window? VBG

  12. What a wonderful cat - both the fabric and the living one ;o)

  13. I love your window sill draft catcher! :) I have one of those myself. The wall hanging was quite darling -- good choice with the fabrics!

  14. I love your cat..he is so cute, and the whole look of the window is so pretty!

  15. Oh I laughted at Jack! He does look comfortable!!!

    What a sweet kitty wall hanging! I've never seen the fabric? Who is the designer? You did a great job!

  16. Anonymous2:41 PM

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