
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pauline's Crow Blocks

If you have been following my blog for any length of time you know that I am in the Spooktacular Swap over at Jane's blog. So is my friend Pauline. These are 2 of her blocks that she is sending for her crow block. I love these 2 a lot. She made some other ones too but these are the 2 I liked the best and, ready for this? If you are in the swap and in a different group from us if you want to swap one of your theme blocks with her she is willing to do one of these 2 designs to swap with you too! So if you are interested, please email me and I will give you her email address.

Pauline's Crow 3Pauline's Crow block

I know that several blogs have addressed the issue of copyrights too but I feel compelled to talk about it here. There are many free patterns available on the web. You can feel free to share them with your friends and they can share them with their friends. Now if you purchase a pattern you can share with a friend too but you are breaking the copyright of that pattern. I do share patterns occasionally with friends, but they are usually originals and they give them back when they are finished. I don't expect that when I share a pattern that I have purchased that the person I have shared with will make copies and share with multiple friends. Remember that the designer loses their share of the money you and your friends would have spent on that pattern, the quilt shop loses revenue from the sale of the pattern also. How sad would it be the next time you want to go to your favorite local quilt shop only to find the doors closed because everyone was sharing patterns and they weren't making enough money to stay open? Very sad indeed. By copying copyrighted patterns you are stealing from the designer, the shop owner and the person you "borrowed" the pattern from. Everyone is in the same pinch with the economy these days and the reality is that both designers and shops are in business to make money.

OK, now I am stepping off my soap box = )


  1. Hi Pam, I do know what you mean about copywrite but between quilting freinds like us who are doing it for ourselves and pleasure not selling!! its different... I would hate to find one of my photos or design somewhere in someones book without my permission so ive been rapped on my fingers do put the copywrite thing on if you can.

    I love your owls they are fabulous.all my blocks have been sent off hee hee ive not been too posh on the back hee hee

  2. Love those crow patterns, she done good LOL. It's good to put out a reminder...I try very hard to adhere to the rules as I plan on developing patterns eventually.


  3. Those crows are wonderful!!!!! And amen to the copyright.


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