
Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm Back...

I have missed all of you but I have been really busy since I can see properly again, LOL. I did a lot of running around and some cleaning and laundry and have not been all that interested in quilting, I heard you all gasp, but I really haven't been very motivated! All that changed today for me.

I decided to ignore most of what I *needed* to do and tried to get some sewing done. I had some things hanging over my head and decided to buck up and get them finished. First thing I want to tell you about before what I did today is about my amazing CL's. Here is the main group standing behind 33 quilts we are donating to Mott Children's hospital. They contacted us and wanted to know if we could contribute to the 150 quilts they wanted for an entire floor. We sure did that, in a BIG way. They only thing bigger than the number of quilts we donated is the hearts of the ladies that made them. Way to go ladies!!
CL w quilts for Mott 03
Now I can tell you about today. The first thing on the list was one of the star/lighthouse quilts. I was so close to being finished with the stars for one of them that I just finished them all up! Now I can bring them on Wed night and lay the quilt out and then I can get it sewn together. Did I tell you that the Wed night group is not going to exist after December. We meet at a theater and they need our room for a choir to practice. Bummer. Anyway, here are all the stars for the first one of these all packed up for Wed.
Stars done
The next thing on the list was to pack up some things I had promised to mail (and one thing that is a surprise). Mary kindly sent me a witch for an exchange and I needed to stitch around an owl so I did that, I made the 9 patch for her too. Then another blogger send me some back patterns that she had done and so I needed to get some FQ's ready to go to her, check, that's off the list. The last bit is the surprise, old patterns going out to another friend.
To mail
I had to make a label for the M string quilt for the raffle too so that is done. I just need to sew it on. I had to write on a label for a quilt for the church too and that is done as well. So next on that list is a baby quilt to send to my French daughter that had a baby in June. (I just found out about it 2 weeks ago). So I used my Odyssea Charm packs and have all the coins done for the stacked coins baby quilt.
What I did all weekend
I have the sashing cut and the back cut but don't know if I will get to it tonight. I still need to sew on the M string quilt label and finish the laundry and go to the store and pay the bills, whew, but maybe I will.

Last but not least PTM gave me the mother load of peppers. So I got DH to cut them all up and put them in the dehydrator before he left for work today. He is not home tonight so I can stay up later and do what I want to as long as I can get up for work tomorrow! Don't they look yummy?? Now I can keep them and use them all winter.
Drying peppers
Last but not least, yesterday I went to JAF to use my 50% off coupon. Could I find anything that wasn't already on sale? But of course! I found this adorable, retro, sewing basket. Too cute, eh?
New sewing box

What were you guys up to all weekend??

Just a quick update, I just finished the baby quilt and is it ever cute. Photos tomorrow, too dark tonight! = )


  1. Oh my gosh, look out quilting world Pam is back and in a big way!!! Glad to "see" you back!!

  2. You made me dizzy just reading about all you accomplished today. Way to go!!!

    Are the peppers sweet peppers or the hot variety and how do you use them?

  3. Wait- I'm dizzy - ok, better now. You surely ARE back, aren't you? Can't keep a good woman down, lol! I think you need to get me motivated.
    That sewing basket is too, too cute. Can't wait to see the baby quilt - did you remember to breathe today?

  4. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Oh my, you really have some bionic parts, haven't you?? Are you sure they only fixed an eye?
    At least you must have burned a LOT of calories..I know I did reading your post *lol*

  5. I'm glad that you got your projects done. I have been working on three UFOS that I have and I just got one of them done. Lovely work!

  6. So lovely project there
    Hugs Janice

  7. WOW Pam when you get in the mood to sew your really go to town LOL. Lots of great stuff you are working on and KUDOS to the ladies with the big hearts!!


  8. Good gracious - I had to have a lie down after reading that post! Where do you get your energy from? It's good though to get things crossed off your to do list (especially when it's as long as that!)


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