
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree

That's right, you know you heard me. I said Christmas Tree. As in this is the fabulous quilt the CL's have made for the raffle at our church. The photo does NOT do this quilt justice. (Plus it isn't even trimmed this was right after I got it back from LTW)

Christmas Tree 03

I was really excited about how I had LTW quilt this one and once again, photos aren't the same as the quilt but I am going to walk you though it, k?

Let's start at the top and work our way down the lovely tree, shall we? First thing to notice is the star in the star. You may also see the snowflakes surrounding the entire tree. These are done in silver.


The next thing is all the ornaments all over the tree done in a sparkly gold.

In this next one you will see quite a lot. Notice the candle on the end of the branch. LTW free handed the scrolls out from the ornaments to reach the candles. Next to the candle you will see more snowflakes, followed by an old fashioned icecicle
kind of thing in that first border. The squares got a neat line treatment and the entire outer border is filled with golden jingle bells!
up close
The view from under the tree is spectacular too. There are several different sized presents all tied up with bows. I think you should be able to see that the ornaments are actually hanging down off the bottom of the tree too.
Regretfully, the one thing I don't have a photo of is the tree trunk. No big deal you say,right? Well no detail was too small for LTW and she gave our tree trunk some free hand bark!! Yes she did!!

There are a few more photos on my Flickr account too if you want to see more/

I hope you have enjoyed your visit through our Christmas tree quilt. The pattern was designed by one of the ladies in our group and it is fabulous, isn't it? Then all the CL's made blocks for the quilt and the pattern designer put the whole thing together. Then we sent it to LTW for her magnificent quilting and now another lady in the CL group will do the binding (in the cream of the borders).

Anyone interested in tickets? $1 each or 6 for $5 Let me know.


  1. OMG! That quilt is gorgeous, and the quilting is so beautiful and well thought out. Karen

  2. This is very impressive! And the quilting is magnificent. Lucky you to have it for a little while...

  3. Oh My Gosh! That is stunningly gorgeous! Wonderful job by everyone.

  4. Wow. I'm speechless!

  5. i didn't think that tree could get any better - but LTW's quilting is stupendous!

  6. The quilting on that quilt is just awesome, whoever wins the raffle is very lucky indeed.

  7. That is a beautiful quilt with wonderful quilting...but I'm having a hard time thinking of Christmas.....not yet please!

  8. Beautiful Quilt!!

  9. What a fabulous quilt. the quilting on it is just breath taking

    Love an dhugs Gina xxx

  10. What a lovely Quilt
    Hugs Janice

  11. Lovely quilt. Cute design, beautiful fabrics, excellent quilting. What a treasure!

    Happy Holidays!


  12. WOW! One of the most beautiful log cabin Christmas tree quilts I have seen. The colors just pop and the quilting is stunning.

  13. Wowser!!! Brilliant and beautiful!

  14. The quilting is just lovely, and you really did a wonderful job!

  15. Sorry Ive not been around much Ive got a bad cold and bit of a chest infection at the moment but that Christmas tree is fabulous and I hope that it raises a lot of money!
    Will write you an upto date email.

  16. That is truely amazing quilting! What an artist!

  17. This is GORGEOUS!!! Yes I want tickets. Please let us know when and how we can obtain tickets on this quilt. Is the designer going to sell the pattern? she should, it is wonderful.
    What a great Christmas present this would me of course...he he he.

  18. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Pat that quilter on the shoulder and let us bow together..what an amazing job!
    Open a paypall acount for international quilters since you put it on your blog, so we all can buy tickets!!

  19. The quilt is gorgeous, but the quilting lifts it into another dimension!

  20. Wow what an amazing tree...and the quilting is simply perfect!! xo

  21. This is great. I love the way of the quilting :-) Have a kreative day.

  22. that is one amazing quilt and the quilting on it is perfect! Such a wonderful job!


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