
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Surgery Day!

I am sitting around here this morning waiting for it to be time to go and get my cataract removed from my right eye so I thought I would distract myself with posting one more time before I have to go. Here are my lazy quilt inspectors. See how they warm up all my cold cold fabric. This was on Sunday when I was trying to decide what to work on.

Mosen and Aiden
I got this one back from LTW. I love the quilting. Rockets, stars and planets that perfectly compliment the fabrics in the quilt. PTM did her usual magnificant job on the binding too. Aren't those dots perfect for this?
Kim's baby quilt Kims back
I like hos the back turned out too. This pattern is Stacked Coins from the Moda Bake shop in case you are interested. I made the top and back with cutting in about 4 hours. It takes 2 charm packs or cut your own. Either way EASY!!

While I was trying to decide what to work on on Sunday DH decided we needed to go to the Chili Cook off in Plymouth. So off we went. There were so many motorcycles there. We own a Harley too but one of the smaller ones. Hey Annemiek, I took this pic for you. Pretty sweet American paint job huh?
Motorcycle AlleyAmerican Harley

We walked around for awhile admiring all the bikes but didn't try any of the chili. It was so crowded and there were just too many choices! We finally got home and I decided I needed to make a baby quilt for DH's cousin's wife who is having a baby (it is a surprise baby and the mom is over 40) I think this may be baby #7. Anyway, I figure the new baby will not get a lot of her own new stuff so thought I would do another of these stacked coin quilts. Well, of course I need it for the shower on Sat, yes, you heard me correctly, THIS Saturday. I left it for LTW and she (bless her heart) will have it to me by Wed and PTM told me she will bind it for me so I will have it ready by Sat. I really do have the BEST friends on the planet!

Nancy's baby quilt

Well, I am thinking of doing at least one more of these for a baby gift that I need to send to our French daughter over in France. I'm thinking I need the new Odysea fabric by MOMO so will call Cori and see if she can bring along 2 charm packs when we meet for lunch on Thursday. This will allow me to use the fabric and get that fix without actually acquiring any for the stash, just a quick in and out!! I already cut the Kona Snow for the borders!!

I need to go and dry my hair now and be off to see the wizard surgeon. Have a great day and I will "see" you all later! LOL


  1. You will be thrilled, when it is over!! All the best!

  2. I'm sure you will be very happy with the results from the surgery. Sending you positive vibes.

    It's a good thing your cats take their job seriously, nothing worse than a cold quilt LOL.


  3. Cute coin quilts. Those will be two lucky babies! Best of luck with your eye surgery too. Jenn

  4. (((hugs)))
    And a speedy recovery.

  5. First, I hope your surgery goes well and you have a fast recovery. Everyone I know that has gone thru this surgery has been so very happy with it.

    Love your post. Cats are so cute. I do hope they cuddle and help take care of you after your surgery. And your quilt is beautiful. Also love the bikes.

    And tell your surgeon I think you are an artists so he needs to take care of those creative eyes!


  6. Imagine how much better you will see! easy surgery these days!

    I love coin quilts and I agree, easy and quick but the look is just amazing.

    I love yours, what was the moda pattern for the first one?

  7. Best wishes for a clear outcome and speedy healing. Your coin quilts are just the best, there's so much elegant beauty in the simplest of designs. Do keep us updated on your post-op progress today, OK?

  8. Can't wait to hear how well you can see now - love your coin quilts, LTW and PTM did wonderful jobs! I can't do this pattern, my coins get all wonky.

  9. I hope and pray all goes well with your surgery.

  10. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Motorcycles always make the best pics:)I sure would like to cruise through the US on such a bike *lol* In Dutch colours ofcourse..:)
    Great coin quilts; something that's on my list to sew one day. And yes! Amazing quiltwork!!!!
    All the best!

  11. I've had cataract surgery on both eyes and it's such a breeze these days!! I was really glad to get my newly updated glasses about a month after surgery and now I can really see!!! Best of luck to you!!!

  12. Best wishes with the surgery!

    Your Chinese coins quilts are adorable~makes me want to make one. :)

  13. Hope your surgery went well and that your recovery is speedy!

    I love the quilts you posted! The baby one is really nice!

  14. I also hope your surgery went well along with all the other well wishers! Love looking at your quilts and reading your blog. Check out mine if your able to and leave your comment on the quilt I am working on. I could use some professional advise.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~