
Sunday, October 11, 2009

This week off

Well, hello there. Sorry I haven't been blogging all week but I've been busy. I met up with my friend Cori and we went out for lunch. She brought me some new treasures that I asked her for. Isn't that owl in the blue just to die for? I think he will make a great border for the Hushabye FQ stack I bought last week. She didn't have much left so I thought I should get it while I could. Then I was thinking that I love the Odyssea but what to make, what to make? Of course, another stacked coins baby quilt so 2 charm packs were mine. This way I can get my fix of using it and it will all be used up and in a beautiful quilt. Our girls were in an exchange program in France when they were in the fifth grade. Well we got a French girl and then a boy in return. Well, our French daughter just had a baby so I will send the coin quilt to her once it is finished.
I am still up to my eyeballs in Thangles so I can't work on the Odyssea quilt until I get those done and those 2 quilts finished either. That's OK, just motivation, right? Wow get a new eye and look at all I want to do. I'm not bionic just the eye!

Well on Friday I met up with Pauline (PTM) and she had the binding sewn on the baby quilt I need to give away today at the baby shower. Thank you PTM!! And thank you LTW for quilting it so quickly too. PTM and I met up with LTW and went to Checker to pick up some stuff we had ordered. I forgot to take a picture. I'll do that later if anyone wants to know what we picked up.

So on Saturday do you think I got to watch my MSU Spartans beat Illinois? NO!! We had our annual quilter's garage sale. Here you can see all the "goods". Every year we take what is in our room at the church and stuff we have from home and sell it to each other! We also sell it to anyone else that wants to come. We typically have a low turn out and this year was no exception. It does give us a reason to go through the room and reorganize. There were some books that ended up coming home with me. Some will be given to a certain someone that I can't name for Christmas and I know she will be thrilled!! They were all about a specific kind of quilting she wanted to learn more about. Best part is that they were one dollar each!!

Quilter's sale 02
Here you can see all the ladies that came. Sharon made lunch for all of us and we were taking a well deserved break. See, PTM? You look loads thinner already. Keep up the good work! (She is the one in the orange) Then around the table are Shirley Ruth Ann, Sharon and Charlotte. Hi Ladies!!
Quilter's Sale
Well, I have to get going now. I need to get ready to go to a baby shower and do some odds and ends around the house before I leave. I hope you all have a productive Sunday!!


  1. I love that owl fabric! And the Odyssea, well, I hate to admit I'm coveting, lol....but I am.
    The quilter's garage sale looks so fun!

  2. A quilter's garage sale is a great idea!! I'm so glad to hear your eye is getting better. I love that odyssea from Mo Mo but I've just bought Love from Amy Butler, hhhmmm! xo

  3. What a fun event! Good friends and good treasures to share, could not get better. Glad you eye is doing well.


  4. so glad to hear that the surgery went well! must be such a relief! now you can get busy!

  5. Oooo love the fabric!! It sounds like you are very satified with the surgery outcome. I didn't know this is a side effect LOL.


  6. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Pity there were no many quilters to the garage sale; sounds like a great idea to me! And cheap books are a good reason to go :)Love books, one can never have too many. I could never part with my oldies,I just add more :)
    By the sound of you post it seems that you really got a bionic eye and the spirit that matches it.*lol* If eyesurgery is such an energyboost, perhaps I should try one too!

  7. I love the fabric that you got! it is lovely!


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