
Wednesday, March 03, 2010

More Blocks

I received Mary's block for Matt yesterday. She included a note for Matt! Thanks, Mary!
Mary's Block
I have not spoken to Matt's mom but this is what Matt had to say on his Face book status:

Update:doing good waiting on eardrum repair and some follow up procedures before they release me to outpatient care, primarily done in MI over the next few months. I will have to fly down here a few times for orthopedic consults. Thanks for all the prayers, wishes, care, etc I'm doing just fine and I can't wait to have my boys home" I took these photos from his FB pages.
The one on the left is taken more recently and shows his funny side! The one on the right is when some of his buddies went to MD to visit him in the hospital. He has managed to keep his smile through it all.

Once again, I want to let everyone know how much I appreciate your making a block or 40 (PTM) and contributing to Matt's quilt. I am hoping to begin to put some of it together tonight! I don't have quite enough blocks to finish it but soon that will happen too!!


  1. I'm so glad to hear things are moving along for Matt. He's lucky to be alive!

  2. It is so nice to put a face to the name!! I am also glad to see his beautiful smile!

  3. I've got 4 blocks to be on their way tomorrow. Hopefully you receive them in time.

    It's wonderful to see Matt sitting up and smiling (very handsome boy).


  4. Do you still need blocks?! I'll bite~what size? foundation or muslin? and it looks like one side blue and the other red? any specific for the center strip?

    Is LTW going to quilt it?

    tak to you soon!

  5. That is great! My blocks are in the mail to you--you should receive them soon! Thanks for the update on Matt!

  6. I'm so glad to hear he seems to doing better! And sounds like he's in good spirits.

  7. God bless that young man....


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