
Sunday, March 21, 2010

On to the Next Quilt...An old UFO

After I finished the sail boat quilt I decided I needed to work on another project. I have many UFO's just waiting for my attention and decided I needed to work on my One Block Wonder quilt. I had pinned it to the flannel of my design wall one night at PTM's house. I took the design wall down and brought the flannel part home with me. I spread it out over my couch and this is what it looked like.

One Block Wonder 001
And guess who was hiding under the design wall?? Jack. He stayed there quite awhile too.
One Block Wonder 002
I was happily sewing away and Mosen thought he would "help" me with it. There were obviously not enough cat hairs on it for his liking so now there are! I kicked him off 4 times and he kept jumping up on it. I finally swatted him and he stayed down. It made a great photo though, don't you think??
One Block Wonder 004
I ended up sewing about a third of it together. Then DH wanted me to watch 28 weeks later with him so I am doing that and blogging. It's a zombie movie. Scary! I don't think I want to keep sewing the OBW at night anyway as it is kind of tricky to put together and I don't want to screw any of it up. I hope you all had a productive weekend too!!


  1. That's neat Pam, but not so easy with "helpers". Don't think I could watch a zombie movie....

  2. the one block wonder looks confusing - i don't think i could keep it all straight ... good thing you like scary movies, huh?

  3. Red can get like that too. Last time I sewed, I had to put a favorite blanket near the sewing machine so he would stay off the quilt I was sewing. Congrats on the weight loss challenge!

  4. Mosen looks like he is saying whats the problem, I'm comfortable. It will be interesting to see the OBW come together.

  5. It's a good thing you used safety pins....Mosen would have been in for a BIG surprise!! I love the colors in this quilt and look forward to seeing it all together :0)


  6. Mmm, this looks confusing to me! If I had such an ufo it would probably stay an ufo! I'll google "one block wonder" to see what it will be someday hahaha

  7. oh wow! I just found pics on the internet. That's a very intricate pattern. You should finish it, it makes a stunning quilt and you were very brave to start this!


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