
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Weigh in this week

Ok, I was sooo nervous to weigh in at the meeting this week! After Easter food and some adult beverages...*see me sweating* And the scale said:

DOWN by 1.2 pounds!!! Are you kidding me? REALLY??? Oh thank the lord, I promise to be good this week!!!! Already went to the gym at 5:30am for half an hour yesterday, followed by an hour today. Back to the gym in the am tomorrow. I do have to say that I finally broke one milestone and am heading for the next 10 pounds now. I have lost 26.6 according to the WW scale. I still have a ways to go to get to my goal, but am getting closer. I would like to lose another 50 pounds and I will see how that feels. I am hoping I can get there by the end of the year. Seems like so far to go but I am trying to take it one week (or day) at a time.

I hope to have some pictures for the next post. I know they are boring without pictures, but I wanted you to know what the scale had to say!


  1. Pam that's AWESOME - you are doing SO well!

  2. Way to go Pam! I'm always here cheering you on!

  3. WTG GIRL FRIEND!!! I'm so proud of you Pam!!


  4. Woo hoo! Congrats. You are really doing it and you know what? News of good progress is ALMOST as good as a blog post with photos ;-)

  5. Hoorayyyyy for you, and your strength! Your energy must be also increasing, as you SOUND energetic!

  6. Think it's time to post a new sidebar picture? I think so.

  7. CELEBRATE GIRLFRIEND! You are going to make that end of the year goal I'm sure.



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