
Saturday, April 10, 2010

What do you think?

I had a very interesting day today. I got up early and headed out to the gym. body Vive first followed by the 30 minute ab class. Today they had a guest instructor at the ab class. A HUGE Army guy, and boy was he tough. My abs were killing me after only the first 10 minutes. We were whining like a bunch of girls (oh, wait, I guess that's because we ARE a bunch of girls!!) The scale at the gym tells me that I am down another 1.6 pounds but the official weight is Monday at WW. Anyway, then I raced out of there to get my hair cut and highlighted. I loved my last cut (in November) and the highlight too. Melissa did a fantastic job. She highlighted me in gray! Everyone that sees it thinks it's blonde but it isn't! I am trying to let the gray grow in naturally so I can just get it cut, lots less money and upkeep. Are you curious?? Ok but remember, this is after I got home and was still in my gym clothes with zero makeup, ok, so be kind...

New Hair cut

So for the rest of the day what did I do you ask? I finished the center of the water quilt. I decided on the borders too which I am hoping to do tomorrow and then make the back. I do have a pattern for left over squares, although I will have to cut them down for the pattern. I think I will do that tomorrow too, along with making the binding. On top of that I made some other blocks too. Remember the fabric I won and showed you yesterday? Well, I made that all into some blocks, and I think I will be sashing the blocks with white strips. Just a little simple something, It will be small, but cute. Maybe a baby quilt for someone or something, I just wanted to use up the fabric. Maybe an ETSY quilt? Not sure yet. Anyhoo, here are the blocks so you can see what I ended up doing with them.
On a Whim 2 blocks
I didn't get as much done as I wanted to today but I didn't get home from my big adventures until around 2:30 either. Tomorrow I will need to do some cleaning but LOTS of sewing for me.

I talked to PTM today as she was driving up to Canada and I have a plan to kidnap her on Tuesday. She has been a very naughty girl. She told me her birthday was next week when really it was on Wednesday!! Such a brat! So I am taking the day off from work on Tues and I have a special adventure planned for us. I can't tell you about it because I don't want her to know what I have planned but it should be a fun day. Two can play the "I'm a brat" game you know? I am eagerly awaiting Tuesday!!


  1. What a happy day! Congrats on the continued weight loss; you truly have inspired me to go beyond just being impressed. LOL! :)

  2. Your hair looks GREAT - you look great! Army guy, how funny - my girlfriend and I used to joke that we should go back in and go through basic again, just to get in shape. It sure works.

    All this exercise is sure giving you energy, you're getting so much done! Love the blocks.

    Can't wait to hear about your adventure plans for PTM - Happy Birthday, PTM!

  3. If you exercised, it was a successful day!!! And you did some sewing too!! Alright! You are funny! Enjoy that friend;s birthday coming up!! Sounds like it'll be fun!

  4. You look good! Now a pic from head to toe so we all can see who tiny you already are *lol*
    Have fun tuesday!

  5. Goodness you have been busy!! I know you and PTM are going to have a blast doing whatever it is you are going to do LOL.


    PS - Love the cut and color :0)

  6. Congrats on the weight loss! Good luck with the weigh in!

  7. it's not's platinum!

  8. Great picture: you look very happy with yourself, as you should.

  9. Like the idea of gray highlights..but I have a LOT of them already! My color always turns red.
    I'm joining you on trying to lose some of this excess bagage...I need your army guy pushing me too!


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