
Friday, July 23, 2010

AUCE Crab Anyone?

Do you know what AUCE crab is? I drove by this restaurant every day and saw that sign. One day I had DD1 in the car and remarked about the sign saying AUCE crab every Thursday. Now I watch Deadliest Catch faithfully but could not figure out what kind of crab this was. She looked at me with this "OMG you've got to be kidding me" face and said flatly, "All You Can Eat, Mom!" I think the "U" rather than a "Y" threw me off (that's officially my story!) So last night we all went out for some AUCE crab and it was fantastic!!
Do I even need to mention that I will fail tomorrow at the scale? I know I gained several pounds this week. It has been so hot I am pretty sure I am retaining water very badly and the salty crab legs didn't help but man were they delish! I will take the hit at the scale. I had pizza for lunch today too so I will just have to suck it up and know it will be my biggest gain since beginning this. It just means I need to get back on track next week, right?

Anyway, the other morning when I was leaving for work I happened to glance back at my house and saw how beautiful the front yard looks right now so I snapped a few pics to show you too. As you face my front door these are first to the left and then to the right.
Front porch 01garden cart
Think the morning glories like my house? I have them everywhere! Pink and purple all over!!!

You all know that I am always working on several things at one time right? Well I am going to LTW's farm this weekend (most likely tomorrow) and will be learning how to use her Gammill to quilt a quilt that I will be giving as a wedding gift. She has a Statler and wants me to babysit it while we work on my quilt. I am a little nervous about all this but excited too. She has a GO cutter and I am bringing some things to cut and try it out. While I was digging around for the fabric I wanted to take, I ran across some Curious George fabric I had bought a long time ago. Now you remember my friend's daughter that I asked you all to pray for, and she has the baby I asked you to pray for too. She LOVES George and several years ago I made her a CG quilt. I think I will use the left over fabric, I even have a book panel, to make a quilt for the baby. It should go fairly quickly. Photos later this weekend.

I got a few more things done but will share those later, I am really tired and think I need to go to bed soon. Weigh in and VIVE in the am. More later...


  1. It's ok Pam, I couldn't figure out AUCE either....I thought the S might have fallen off but SAUCE didn't make any sense either LOL.

    Your garden is lovely, I love Morning Glories :0)


  2. LOL! I'd have never figured that AUCE out either! Glad you got to have some, though! :)

  3. I never heard of Auce crab...I have to admit that I love pizza too. Well, next week is anther week.
    I love your garden!

  4. Since joining WW I can't eat AUCE anyhmore. But crab legs are one of my all time favorites and, before butter, are really low points. Of course before butter is a very short time.

  5. Anonymous8:20 AM

    All U Can Eat, obviously.:-)

  6. Anonymous8:24 AM

    All U Can Eat, obviously.:-)


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