
Monday, July 12, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!!

As you all know, yesterday was my birthday. I had a good day with my family yesterday. My dear friend Very Mary sent me a wonderful gift in the mail. I don't know why, but I am always surprised that she remembers and I am always happy that she does. She is a sweetheart and someday we need to meet up. Ohio is not that far from MI!! She is so clever with her packaging too. She loves vintage paper so this gift was packaged in vintage instructions from a sewing pattern! How very clever of her!!! She mailed it in a clear outer wrapper so you could see the pattern instructions. Inside was this beautiful vintage fabric and look at the adorable kitty tag. Thank your Mary Ann, you made my day!
Package from MAfabric from MA

My family took me out to Red Robin for my birthday burger (I had a coupon for a free birthday burger). I did manage to get DD1 to take a pic of me with DD2 while we were waiting for our food. It's into the light so sorry about the poor pic.
Me and Kelsey on my birthday
DH gave me a card that said I should buy everything I had on my list on the fridge because I deserved it. Well,I didn't buy everything but I did buy a few of the things. You saw the knee lifter but the one other thing I did buy from the list was these shoes. *Now many of you have been asking so I will tell you here they are made by a company called El Naturalista, and they are as comfortable as they are cute.*

I have them in green and I wear them all the time and I LOVE them!!! They are a little bit on the expensive side though. I learned a trick from PTM about using Google to search for coupons. You type in the name of the place you want to search for a coupon for followed by the word coupon. Guess what? First I found them on sale and second, I got an additional 25% off so you know what I did? I bought TWO pairs!!! I sure did and it was like buying one and getting the second for 50% off!!! I got one in the color shown here, sky blue and one in gray. I would have liked to get the peacock blue but apparently they are not making that anymore! I would love to get red or navy but neither of those were on sale. The sky blue was a second choice, but I know I will love them. So I guess I was a little bit spoiled, but very happy.

The family let me sew and I managed to get my next Jelly Roll quilt a long block done as well as all the blanket stitching done around Happy the owl.
Happy Owl all finished!

How was your weekend??


  1. Hey Mama,
    Yesterday was MY b-day too. I was 70, can't even get a hold on that one. Happy Belated and many more

  2. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Happy Belated B-day - oh by the way - who is the manufacturer of those shoes?!

  3. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you!
    Happy Birthday dear Pa-am,
    Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!

    I'm so so glad you got your shoes, and two pair, what a bonus! Love the gift Mary sent, how darling. Glad you had a good b-day!!!!!

  4. First off...Happy that's a perfect present...second...what kind of shoes are they? they are so stinkin' cute and look comfy..I'm always looking for comfy shoes...

  5. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday. Can you only order those shoes on line? What stores carry them?


  6. Happy Belated Birthday! I pray that all your birthday wishes come true :)

  7. Happy Birthday for yesterday and I love your shoes :) Glad you had a fab day too :)

  8. a very very happy bd Pam! No, I did not forget, it's just that my laptop crashed..:(
    Glad you had a nice day!!

  9. Happy late Birthday! Looks like you had a great one. What are those shoes? They are darling!

  10. Happy Belated Birthday Pam! Looks like you had a fabulous day. Those shoes are so cute! and you got to sew too? Awesome!

  11. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful day!


  12. happy happy birthday!
    what a great birthday!
    i wish you the best!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~