
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Too much for one post!

Alright I am just going to say this up front. I have way too much to say for one post! First, I finished the chenille blanket for my friend's grandbaby.
Chenille all finishedBack of chenille
Up close
My label
I posted a tutorial about how to make this over on my website, in case you are interested.
I also finished the Monster Rag quilt. I do need to label it but no baby yet so no label until that happens as I want to put the baby's name on the label. I am going to write up a tutorial on how to make that too, but when I get a minute, later. For now, here are a few pics. Front and back.
RQ finishedRQ back
Up close
RQ front close up
He is the Egg Monster and so adorable!
Isn't he adorable?
I hope the baby will love this as much as I do!

Now to let you know. I spent about 7 hours with LTW and the Statler and quilted my entire quilt!! I have some photos to share with you but have to go and do a little more work at my real job, so that's all for now, more soon.

I think I forgot to tell you, I lost another 4.5 inches which totals 38" overall since beginning my weight loss journey. When you see the pics from the farm you will notice I still have some ways to go though, LOL!! I can't imagine how awful they would have been before I lost those 40 pounds!! UGH!!!


  1. First of all....congratulations on the inches lost!!!

    Secondly, those quilts are wonderful. I love the chenille quilts and the rag one will be so welcomed by the new baby.

  2. WONDERFUL quilts Pam, love the rag quilt - they're fun but boy they make my hands ache, lol. Congrats on those inches, wow!

  3. You are the weight loss/inches machine!! I LOVE rag quilts and have made a bazillion (slight exageration!) of them and it's the only baby donation quilt I make! It's so much fun taking them out of the dryer!

  4. Love the rag quilt and you are doing amazing on your weight loss!! Good for you!!

  5. Great quilts and great weight loss. I am sure the little one will love that quilt. No doubt about it.


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