
Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall into Fall Giveaway

Have you heard the BIG news? There is going to be a massive giveaway by many blogs on October first. Did you notice the scarecrow on my side bar? Well that's the link to join in the fun. I have signed up to join in. You set the parameters and decide what you want to giveaway. No peeks until you get to post on October first. I see the Fat Quarter Shop blog and EQ company are joining in. How about you? You know you want to. Click on the scarecrow and go and sign up. Then grab the scarecrow for your own blog! Let me know when you do so I can come to your blog and enter your giveaway on Oct 1st!!


  1. I just joined and am waiting to be added to the list. It looks like fun!

  2. Thanks for telling us and thanks for showing the film clip of your beautiful birds... now you will have to have your own farm so that you dont ever have to part with your peacocks they are gorgeous lots of ideas in my head about them hee hee they can be famous models for designer quilts. :o)


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~