
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday

I know, I'm behind, so I will post now and probably later today too. First things first. I took Wed off from work to go to bring my quilts to Belleville for the quilt show. PTM and I went out together thinking that we would help set up too. We got there and they didn't need/want our help so we dropped our things off and left. We decided to go to our friend, Cori's house and see what new Moda goodies she had that we might need. That was a mistake, LOL. She has an online quilt shop so always has lots of good stuff at her house! She has all 40 bolts of Bliss and only $3.75 for half a yard!!! Well, PTM and I put some things aside and went back to her house. I had cut a million pillowcases out one time when I was at her house but we never finished them. We went down "the basement" and finished the cutting so we could work on them at quilting on Wed night.

On Wed night at quilting PTM and I worked on pillowcases for charity. We managed to finish 8. Six for charity and 2 for DD2 (MSU ones which she took yesterday).
Pillowcases 02
We will work on some more next week. This meant I didn't get my Crazy Rail finished but I am hoping to get to that this weekend.

I had asked Cori about a backing for my JRQAL quilt but needed to measure it to know how much I needed. I did this and called her to see if I could come over and pick it up after quilting on Wed. It was almost 10pm but she has trouble sleeping, like I do so I went over. I ended up with this for the backing, and picked up a layer cake of Dream On too.
Verna backDream On LC
I am thinking that I will use this for the next QAL that Moose on the Porch is hosting in November. Are you going to participate?? If you are interested all the info is here.
I ended up staying at Cori's visiting until around 11:30!! We shared a glass of wine and it was so good to see her and talk with her. We need to do this more often! I'll pencil you in more Cori!! She has a great shop you should go and check her out.
Well, Thursday came early, I have to say! I worked late and then headed to the gym. Then I needed to bring some stuff over to PTM's house. We were talking about what we want to give away for the Fall into Tall Giveaway and she showed me some tea towels she got at IKEA. She just got a new book that had the cutest Redwork birds in it so you never know what I will do, I will have to see if I can get it done, LOL. I ended up at IKEA (about 2 blocks away from my house, jealous??) I found these there.
Tea Towels
On top of that I found this quirky fabric too.
IKEA Bird fabric 02
I'm not sure what I'll do with it but I loved it. The birds are quite large, maybe a back?

Now I have a dilemma and need some help. My DH just asked me to go to NYC for a week with him. He is going for flight school so I will be on my own again, but the hotel and the way out there is paid for (we will drive). The dilemma? The trip is on Oct 11 for a week. If I make it to the next challenge in the McCall's Design Star contest, the challenge begins Oct 8 and I would only have a month to do it. Do I stay or do I go now??


  1. Beautiful pillowcases and your fabrics are wonderful!

  2. Man you've been busy - you pack more into a day than I fit in a whole week! Love the Dream On layer cake, that is my favorite right now.
    Are those the .49 Ikea towels? I use those all the time. Love them.

    I say go to NY. You can take some sketchpads or something to give you inspiration. Time away from home always greases my creativity wheel.

    Did you go to the Expo? Didn't see ya there, or Mary-Kay either. MUCH smaller this year, sob.

  3. Saw several of our quilts at the quilt show today. They looked great! I say go to NY. Sounds like you'll have lots of time to play with sketches, and I'm sure you can get help with the construction once you have your pattern.

  4. Goodness, you certainly have been busy!! Love the green backing fabric :0)

    If you have been to NYC before and really enjoyed it, go....if you didn't enjoy it, don't go....if you've never been....go. There does that cover all the bases? LOL


  5. you had a super time the last trip to NYC - GO and PLAY!!!


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