
Sunday, December 05, 2010

Blocks Made and Caught Up

I have been on this computer wayyyyy too long this morning afternoon already so this will be short and sweet. I wanted to share with you the layer cake block 3 that I finished.
LC Block 3
I can't say that I have been as excited about the Layer Cake blocks as I was the jelly roll blocks. I am also making another one of those at the same time so, since I had to put my machine away, I made block 3 and 4 of the JRQAL blocks and I love how they came out!!
JRQAL block 3JRQAL Block 4
The fabric line I am using is Soiree by Lila Tueller. I am planning on giving one of these quilts as a graduation present to my niece. I still have some baby quilts to get on when Christmas is over. I will have to get right to work! Also a wedding quilt for someone.

Ok, no more procrastination, must go and decorate (EW). Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!


  1. You did wonders for that flower basket. It turned out really cute.Might have to copy

    The Jelly Roll sampler was a lot of fun! I love your blocks of those as well.

  2. Love Love Love the blocks! Lilli just informed me that she loves the Soiree line of fabric! Good to no but a little to late for me to make her anything this close to Christmas!

  3. I'm not doing the layer cake quilt along, but love your Lila Tueller Jelly Roll blocks! That is going to be a great quilt.

  4. Love 'em! All three blocks :)
    Yah, me, & blog reading wayyy to much. But, totally enjoyable.
    Again, you did super with your blocks.

  5. Really cute blocks! I just finished some placemats for my aunt so now I get to play on the computer til I fall asleep. Like, right here. LOL.

  6. The blocks are really pretty. I love how you got some flowers in the basket :0)


  7. I really like your LCQA block. I haven't even printed mine out yet so I guess I better get to it. I, too, am not enjoying this as much as the JR blocks, but that doesn't mean it won't turn out OK. I still need to make a quilt out of those first blocks.

  8. I love love love these colors. These blocks. Your talent. You.


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