
Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Cats, Cats Everywhere

I came home from Zumba and Body Pump. I ate some dinner and then thought I would sit down to pay some bills. I can never do anything by myself around here! I got up to get something to drink and came back to this. Hallie on my bills and Autumn on my chair!
Hallie and Autumn
Not exactly conducive to bill paying now is it?? I finally got the bills paid and went out to the family room to watch a little tv before bed. I wasn't on the couch more than 10 seconds when Jack jumped up next to me and laid as close as he could without actually being on my lap. The gray you see? My sweatpants! He was so funny last night too. I woke up around 3am and I had 2 cats laying on my feet and DH and one on his feet and one between his legs. Why did I wake up? Jack was shoving his face into mine, trying to get his head between my chin and neck so he could snuggle as close to me as possible. PURRING all the time. OMG I could not move! He just loves me so much!!
Jack by my sideJack by my side 02
Sometimes he actually bites my chin or nose because he wants my attention at night! YIKES!! He is the BEST snuggler ever though. He is always wherever I am.

I got my little Sparkle quilt back today too. Didn't LTW do a great job on the quilting? Now I just need to trim it so I can bind it.
Sparkle 006Sparkle 007
I got another quilt back but no time to take pictures of it yet. Hopefully I can show it to you tomorrow. Have a wonderful night!! XOP


  1. I like everyone's cats except ours. I was downstairs in hubs den where our old man cat lives,its a walkout so he has plenty of sun, and he is purring and I stop to pet him which he likes for a couple of seconds and then he becomes the attack cat. He is a strange old man. I paid bills today also. One of my least favorite jobs.

  2. Oh my, four cats? I've had one - lost him a couple of years ago - but four, I don't think so. The one I had kept me in stitches though. The quilting is wonderful...really makes the dragon pop out. Beautiful! blessings, marlene

  3. Anonymous11:04 PM

    I love your cat quilt. Cats and quilts go together. I bought the Zumba DVDs, but I think I need to go to the gym. Even my feet can't keep up. LOL

  4. Your Sparkle quilt is cuter all the time!

  5. I do miss the "snuggle" of a kitty ... maybe should replace a real one with a nice snuggly kitty quilt :) Your Sparkle quilt is wonderfully cute!! Yay you!

  6. I love cuddly kitties - you have some good ones, lol! Your Sparkle quilt came out GORGEOUS!

  7. The things we will do to keep the fur babies happy LOL. The quilt looks wonderful :0)


  8. My old DC has to snuggle with me while I slept the past couple of days. I've got more white cat hair on me than my own hair!

  9. What an adorable quilt! Looks like you have some wonderful helpers and bed companions.

  10. Lol, we have 4 farm cats but lately with the thunder storms and rain they've decided they are house cats! As soon as I am out of my computer chair Miss Maddy is in it - nothing like a pre warmed cushion on a cold day!
    I'm waiting patiently to see the finished Sparkle quilt :).


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