
Monday, March 28, 2011

Ever Wondered How To Make A Button For Use In Blogger?

Well I wondered just that today.  The very generous Madam Samm has made a couple of buttons for me and another friend had made one for me to use in the past.  I like to know how to do things myself, do I sound like I'm 3?  Maybe, but it's true.  As generous as my friends are that will only get you just so far especially if you need/want one in a hurry, right?  No sense imposing on friends when I have a perfectly good brain (when I am not suffering from "Sometimer's Disease") and can learn.  Didn't some scientists say recently that learning new things keeps our brains healthy?  I think they did.  So what do you do when you want to learn something but don't know where to look for it?  Yes, that's right, I Googled it, but you don't have to.  You can follow this link and read the same article I did and learn how to do it too!!

I was super amazed at how easy it is to do.  You have to have either a photo or the artwork you want to use in a location you can remember on your computer.  Then just follow the steps.  If you are using something other than Blogger to host your blog there is probably one for Wordpress or Typepad or wherever.  In fact I found the one by someone named Amy who hosts her blog on Wordpress and were her directions ever good!  I couldn't figure out how to translate that to Blogger so I just Googled how to do it for Blogger.

You really need to post about this on your blog too so your friends can learn how to do it too!  (or maybe send them my way?)  So cool.  Now I expect you all to go forth and make amazing buttons.

I made 2 blocks yesterday but it was too dark to take pictures so will have to try it when I get home.  I did block 11 in the JRQAL, it is one of my favorites and block 11 in the LCQAL.  I was uninspired by the block they did so I substituted my own!  You will have to come back and see it tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Monday everyone!  Oh, and if you do make your own button(s), come back and tell me what you thought about the process.  ~XOP~


  1. I'm off to go check this out.
    I suffer from a cluttered brain. But I think that I can add one more thing in there.

  2. Congratulations...brain function.. not on high gear right now.. I am on a kick to do some spring cleaning though.. that doesn't happen very often.. So I have to hit it while it is HOT!

  3. Thanks so much! What a fun thing to do - maybe I'll eventually become a little more computer literate. :) blessings, marlene

  4. I did it! Thanks for the link. It was pretty easy to do and now I have a button! Here is my blog, in case you want to check out my snazzy new button!

  5. I've saved this to favorites to review that link. It would be fun to make buttons for the important stuff :0)


  6. Thanks a bunch! I, too, have been wondering how to do this :)


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