
Monday, March 21, 2011

The Lancaster AQS Show and More Adventures of Thelma and Louise!

We set our alarm and got up early so we could be at the show around 8:30am.  Staying in Hershey we had about a 45 minute drive or so.  I knew from experience that it is best to go on the first day and first thing in the am too.  So we packed up the car and off we went.  We parked in a structure near by and walked to the convention center.  Louise had to register so she did that and then we were ready for our day to begin.  A woman came out of the show and announced all the winners.  I was off checking my coat but Louise was there to listen.  Then it was time to go in.  YIPEE!  We went into the show and now we had to decide where to go.  I suggested that we go around and see the quilts first because it is easier to get photos when it is less crowded (and this idea paid off!)

We walked around and saw some really cool quilts.  Here are 2 of my favorite ones. (The first one looks like our friend LTW's dog Buster) The bird one was amazing too, so life like!

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There seemed to be a lot of traditional applique quilts and a lot that were bejeweled too. We just happened to catch this winner near her quilt and she had just found out she had won an award. She was thrilled!! It was all hand quilted too. She told us it took her 6 years to finish. Look at the lines in that basket.
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This one is the one that took Best in Show (according to Louise)
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This one was cool and won something too. It was pretty jeweled too.
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It's funny but as much as I love peacocks there were a lot of peacock things in and around the show. Like this beautiful quilt.
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This one was all different kinds of birds (including peacocks) We happened to catch the quilt maker of this gorgeios quilt and she told us that this hand quilted quilt took her 9 years off and on to complete.
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There were, I think they said< 175 quilts entered in the show. We finished fairly quickly and were off to the vendors. We had bought most of our fabric at the local shops so I think I bought 3 FQ's at the show and Louise didn't buy any fabric. BUT...and this is a BIG BUT...we did spend on patterns. I only bought 2 patterns. One for a wall hanging and the Scandinavian Christmas set by Lynette Anderson. Louise bought a LOT more, LOL.
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The only other thing I bought at the show was the Curve Master foot (an amazing tool). The designer said that she was able to make a double wedding ring in 3 days using this foot, and my friend Allie bought one and told me it was great too! I bought a chenille brush too to fluff up the chenille when you make a line of it. The woman I bought it from had designed some lined paper to make the lines of chenille but I didn't purchase that just the brush.
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It was kind of interesting that we felt like we were ready to go around 2:30 or so. We decided that maybe we needed to visit a few more local shops. On the way out of the show we were greeted by officer MacDonald and Ozzie.
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This was the entrance to the convention center
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Into the car we went and off to the next adventure. I'm going to stop here and finish later. Have a wonderful night and stay tuned for more of our adventures.


  1. The quilts are so pretty. The Mary Simon quilt (first baltimore picture) is on my to do list. I can see why it took her 6 years to complete it!!


  2. Beautiful quilts - six years to make that one - glad she won a ribbon for it!!

  3. If I were to ever make a Baltimore Album quilt, that is the style I would want. I like the type with a house, ship, and other identifiable items on it.

  4. I have to say this is a fun trip and I wasn't even there! Can't wait for more!!!

  5. oh oh my...leave two women out to the quilt stores and goodness knows what they will find...thanks for bringing us all along on your adventures lol

  6. Love the parrot quilt and the work in the other quilts is amazing too. From a 'horsey' person thank you for posting the mounted policeman. Lol, love the horses name too, considering where I live!!

  7. Wonderful with artistic creation published. Really wonderful and gorgeous update. Thanks for publishing!

  8. Thank you for sharing the pretties, Pam ... they are gorgeous :)

  9. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I live in Florida, the quilter who did the parrot lives in Calgary. My parrot, Jimmy was the inspiration for Roxanne's creation which amazes me every time I see it. It looks exactly like my Jimmy. She captured him exactly as he is. Roxanne and I have never met but, we have become good friends via the net. It has been a priceless experience. Gayle


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