
Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Do You Do The Day Before You Leave For A Big Trip??

That was the BIG question today for me.  Quiltin' Queen and I leave in the morning for Hershey PA, so that meant that I had to do a LOT of stuff today to get ready for it.  Now yesterday I did all the running around, shopping and such so today was mine.  I got up early and went to Body Pump and then Zumba.  Came home and showered, and ate.  Then laundry and lots of cleaning.  I got all the cat boxes dumped, vacuumed, dishes and laundry.  I was exhausted!!  So house cleaned, check.  Finisheing up the laundry, check, beginning to pack, check. 

I also need to get all my sewing stuff packed too.  What should I bring to work on?  I finally narrowed it down to the wedding quilt for my nephew,  Over the river, for Liz and Dreamy Stars.  I had bought a vintage sheet that had some flowers spread out all over the sheet that I thought I could use for corner stones for the Dreamy Stars quilt.  Did I really want to stop and cut those?  If I wanted to finish the tip I would have to.  So this is what the sheet looked like.

 I wanted to press it first and then I was going to cut it into 2.5" squares like this

 Aren't they cute?  I love how these came out and I think they will be perfect in this quilt.

OOPS, need to get a few more things at the store, so out I go now home, make some food, clean up and put brownies into the oven.   So now my dears, I need to run and finish the laundry, brownies, and packing.  If we can get online while we are away I will post about our trip to Lancaster and the AQS quilt show.  If not then you will have to wait until we return.  I hope we will be able to chat while we are away.  Long drive tomorrow, about 8 hours, so GTG,    ~XOP


  1. You did not mention the most important things, an empty suitcase and $$$ for all the fabric you will be buying for that suitcase!! Have a ton of fun!

  2. You girls be careful but have fun and make some wonderful memories. :) blessings, marlene

  3. Be safe and God's speed...( and I believe that is the speed limit) be good,and take notes lol

  4. Have a great time and a safe trip!

  5. Have a ton of fun! Be safe!

  6. Have fun, don't spend too much and post pics.

  7. You ladies be safe and have a wonderful time. Lost of pics when you come home.

  8. Have fun. I'm eager to hear about your trip. I'd love to visit Hershey, PA. Definitely on my bucket list. Please don't eat all of their chocolate as I'd love to find some when I finally get a chance to visit.


  9. I clean and shop the day before a trip too. Packing only takes me 5 minutes. Grab some hand work and I'm off LOL. You two have a marvelous time and don't get into too much trouble at the vendor booths LOL.


  10. Have a safe trip.. and try not to overdose on milk chocolate while you are in Hershey, PA.. I know I would!! Oh my, oh my!! LOL.

  11. Lucky you! Have fun.

  12. Hope you have lots of fun... safe travels!

  13. You'll be close by my neck of the woods. Well 30 miles away. But still, close enough. I'm just sad that I can't make it to the quilt show. Darn obligations! May you enjoy it.

  14. PINZ and NEEDLEZ...yep, I'm sittin on 'em till you arrive home safely...and fill us in on all the fun and shananigans!!



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