
Monday, May 02, 2011

Jessie's Quilt Part 1

Miss Hallie decided to help with the photography today, thanks Hal!
Jessie's Quilt 001

Well, I got my layer cake quilt back from the quilter and I am so thrilled with the job she did!!  I had her quilt each block individually and then do border work.  I could not be more pleased with how it came out!  It is for my niece to celebrate her high school graduation.  I took pics of each individual block to show you too, but since there are 12 I though I would split it into 8 now and the other 4 later.
Jessie's Quilt 017Jessie's Quilt 026

Jessie's Quilt 016Jessie's Quilt 027

Jessie's Quilt 015Jessie's Quilt 028

Jessie's Quilt 014Jessie's Quilt 029

Jessie's Quilt 018Jessie's Quilt 030

Jessie's Quilt 019Jessie's Quilt 031
Jessie's Quilt 020Jessie's Quilt 032

Jessie's Quilt 021Jessie's Quilt 033

I thought you might like to see the quilting from the back (where you can actually see how it is quilted) and from the front, how the patterns I chose look on the blocks.  I am especially in love with the basket block.  Actually it was not my favorite block by itself but I LOVE what LTW did with it!  The second block posted I didn't end up liking at all...until it was quilted!  Didn't it turn out well??  I'm pretty sure I said this already but most of the patterns were from the Acanthus butterfly set from One Song Needle Arts (on sale right now!!)Of course I didn't take one of the entire quilt...yet.  I sent it off to QNQ to have the binding done (Can't call her QQ any more so is QNQ ok??).  I will take some overall photos once I have it back.  What's that?  You want to see some of the border?  Well alright then.
Jessie's Quilt 038Jessie's Quilt 013
You can see, I think, that LTW used varigated pink thread on the back, and just a light pink on the front.

I have more to show you but it will have to wait for another time when I have some more time to write.  I did manage to get a few other things done this weekend too and want to show you that as well.
I hope to be able to put this in Annie's finish your project challenge too!  How was your weekend?


  1. What a lovely quilt - the work is just sensational! She's made each block a piece of art.

  2. the quilt is gorgeous and the quilter is an artist! WOW!

  3. Wow-WHEE! What great quilting, it's just sweet enough to match your lovely top.

  4. The quilting is just perfect! Sets off each block to its best.

  5. OMGosh the quilting is amazing!! What a beautiful quilt!! Your niece is going to love it :0)

    As for my weekend, we had an awful blizzard on Saturday and a sloppy mess on Sunday and I had to not a fun weekend here LOL.


  6. Wow, that quilting is amazing! What a great gift!

  7. OH!! I LUV your quilt! (I know your address....teeheee)Ya better keep it under lock and key =P

    And, my weekend wasn't "sew-sew" like was more "so-so". There was a bright few minutes tho...a nice chat with a friend. =)


  8. I know I stand united when I say I wish I was your niece. Beautiful!! She is one lucky girl!

  9. Between you, the block designers and your quilter, you have a beautiful quilt there. I went to a conference over the weekend and since I need to keep my hands busy during lectures I designed a quilt for my LCQAL. I printed the EQ out and now they will all go in the que for piecing. You inspire me to move it up the que.

  10. Beautiful quilt, Pam - love the quilting!

  11. The basket block is the best!


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