
Sunday, July 03, 2011

Home Again, Home Again.

I wanted to let you all know how much I appreciated all your kind words and prayers.  My dad is feeling better but still not 100%.  As a nice surprise my DH came with my DD1 to help do some of the work.  She was passing through to a friend's house and dropped my husband off with me.  He worked down the basement and did an amazing job!  He cleared one of the pantries of really, really old food, some cans from the 80's!  I think he took out over 20 garbage bags too.  I took my sister grocery shopping and then came home and cooked for them.  I mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned some walls, washed the bathroom rugs, and all the bedding as well as several other loads of laundry.  I think we finally loaded up the car and headed home around 10pm ish.  I am exhausted!!  I called him today and he was thrilled to have left overs to eat!!  He is still short of breath and has a very low resting heart rate, but he will heal better at home.

I apologize that my blog, usually full of quilty goodness has been overrun by health issues, but sometimes that's just how life goes.  I was able to go to work on Thursday and *finally* able to give the Castle Peeps quilt away to my friend that had the baby this ast January.  She LOVED it.  I'm so glad.  Here she is with the quilt.
Karen with Castle Peeps

I wrote directly on the quilt for the label. Usually I put the label in a bottom corner, but I thought it was better in an upper corner where the castle quilting is upright.
Castle Peeps Label

I spent most of the day today cleaning up around my house and then grocery shopping with DH. He made the most amazing Sloppy Joes using a recipe from an Amish cookbook. He made them from scratch using some ground burger, YUMMO!!

I did manage to get some sewing done today. I have 108 pieces to make before I can even begin to do something with it. I got 18 done. LOL. I like how it is coming along, but I really need to put my head down and try to get the rest of them done tomorrow. Housework is highly overrated isn't it? I really want to get the parts done so I can play with the rest of it. ~XOP~


  1. Glad to hear you are home. My mom is 87 and still living alone. I know it's just a matter of time before she comes to live with me or one of my sisters. We will all pull together, no matter how it plays out.

  2. Glad you hear that things are going ok at the moment and that you are home. Good on your husband for coming to helo out. He is a keeper!

  3. My hubby's family has been caring for their 90 year old mother for 2 1/2 years. FIL is 92 and in better health, but they cannot be left alone, so the siblings take turns staying with them in their home. Thankfully MIL still has a good mind, but her body is getting weaker from Parkinson's. It's a huge task, but they do it willingly. So glad that your Dad is home.

  4. As much work as this has been I know you feel so much better leaving them alone again. You are a good daughter Pam :0)

    That quilt is so wonderful!!

    Any chance I could get that recipe? I have 3 teenagers to fill up right now LOL.


  5. A+++ on the Castle Peeps quilt. The quilting is sooo sweet. You have nice handwriting.

    Give that hubby a huge hug and kiss for being a terrific guy!! I make some pretty tasty homemade sloppy joes too:P They jsut make you fall in love with 'em!!

    Hope your daddy keeps his health going UP!!

  6. As I pictured you and your DH cleaning your father's home I remembered when I used to help a friend do her's. It was more fun to do someone else's house than my own, and still is. However, my 89 yo mother has become a horder and I'm not so sure how it will be to clean out her place when the time comes. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.

  7. Glad your dad is better hon, still praying for him. You've been working so hard!! That quilt is just darling, I'm not surprised she loved it.

  8. Quiltluver11:13 AM

    Goodness, you've got a lot on your plate, but it sounds like your family is a big help. I'd like to do some cleaning at my parent's place, but they are not at that point where they will let me throw anything away. Good to hear that your dad is doing better, and hope he continues to recover. Karen

  9. I am so glad your dad is at home and stable. You are a wonderful daughter! He is blessed!

  10. Goodness, what a week you and your family have had. I'm glad your father is home and resting now. Hopefully you can do the same for yourself and take it easy this week!

  11. Glad to hear that your dad is doing better. I shamefully admit that housework takes a backseat to quilting....

  12. Glad your dad is feeling better. Did you stop by the shop by any chance? I heard someone who had a blog was in there and asking about me. When I read your post I thought maybe since you were near by you might have stopped in.


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