
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Starting a New Project and a Swap

I feel like I am always saying I'm sorry for not posting more but life has been so crazy busy since I have been back from my dads house.  I finished the top for Jacquie before I went to GR and I was waiting to talk to her when I got back.  We finally connected on Tuesday.  She asked me to go ahead and make the back for the quilt and send it to her quilter!!!  I am soooooooo thrilled about that.  Her quilter is Angela Walters (Quilting is my Therapy) and her work is incredible!  I am adding a design element to the back that I will be working on all weekend and it is a little time consuming but I think it will make the back totally cool.  I can't wait until I can share pictures with everyone.

I participated in another swap too and sent my goodies before I left.  My swap partner was even busier than me but I got my package from her this week and it was well worth the wait!  Lookie, lookie at all these yummy goodies.
Swap package

I sent another swap out this week and will share with you when my new goodies arrive in the mail too.

Then, as if I didn't have a brain in my head, I started another project. Can you guess what it is?
Tree Up CloseStar on top of the tree
In case you can't it is the MBS Christmas Tree Pattern. It is not all sewn together but I am working on it and I got all the HST sewn into rows so far. Just not all the rows sewn together.
Beginnings of the tree

I used one charm pack of Flurry and the yardage is the aqua snow flake from Ready, Set Snow by Me and My Sister. I got everything at Crazyquiltgirl fabric shop if you want to make one too.

I did find a mistake in the pattern so need to contact for Christmas. I need to talk to the person that wrote the pattern, but overall it has been easy to make. I plan on giving this to my Zumba instructor and may make a second one for my Body Pump instructor too.

Yesterday was my class with Suzanne Marshall and it was amazing. I am off to the gym but will share it with you tomorrow. So for now have a great weekend! ~XOP~


  1. Lots of lovelies in the mail. Take a look at your tree - the bottome row has one Hst going the wrong way(light blue). I am thinking of doing another one of these but in a rustic, country theme.

  2. Nice swap Pam! That is going to be a cute tree!

  3. Great swappin'. You are SERIOUS shopper!!

    What a terrific tree pattern,wonder if it could be made into a tree skirt. ISO a really special tree skirt pattern:)

    Oh want to see that back for Jacquie too.

  4. I can hardly wait to see this quilt you are making for Jacquie....front and back :0)



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