
Sunday, August 28, 2011

How Is It Sunday Already?

This week just flew by.  I just wanted to take time to thank everyone that has left me such kind comments on the passing of our beloved Laxy.  Many of you have also suffered through the loss of a pet, some recently and some that just feel like it's recently.  I am extending some BIG hugs to all of you out in Blogland to let you know I feel your pain too.  Now on to happier subjects!

On Wednesday (yes I said Wednesday), I worked on a little top that I cut out strictly from left over projects.  I was going through fabric and found some left overs from another quilt and though I would strip them up and put them in my strip bins.  As I pulled out the pieces, I realized that some of the pieces were actually large enough to cut into 5" squares.  So I cut as many as I could into squares.  Then I pulled a few complimentary solids and cut some more 5" squares and ta da, here is my little top!
Left over quilt top Left Over quilt up close
I just need to make a back and quilt it up and it will be a wonderful little baby quilt for someone!

Yesterday after the stressful morning I thought I would relax and maybe check out my EQ7 program and see what I could do as far as designing my star block for the QAL. Honestly, it would probably have been easier to do it on graph paper but I am determined to learn that program! So I struggled through and got it done. I am by no means proficient at it but it's a step in the right direction. I decided to use Flower Sugar fabrics for my star, but I can't show it to you just yet. I have to write up the directions to the block and then have a friend or 2 test out my directions. I made mine and I am in love with it!! If you haven't signed up for the QAL over at Moose on the Porch you should go and check it out!!

I often tell you what a mess my sewing area is and that it is usually covered in cats. Yesterday was no exception. Mosen and Aiden were on the couch and Jack had taken over my sewing chair when I got up.
A cat's LifeA cat's life 02

What a mess this area is at the moment! Ah well! I sent DH off to a remote area in Canada with his 2 uncles for their annual whatever it is. Ahhhh, breathing room, I love it! I was cleaning out the garage until I came in to pay bills. I should go and do some more cleaning. DH left all his fishing/camping stuff in the family room so I am clearing out some space in the garage and out it will go! Plan to shampoo the carpet in the family room this week too. Fingers crossed!!

You never know what mischief I will be up to this week unsupervised so you better stay tuned!! Thanks again for all your support!!!!! ~XOP~


  1. Mischief huh? Have some fun!

  2. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Please help me by reading my appeal on my profile

  3. I just read about your having to let Laxi go. I am so sorry - I know how painful that decision is. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers.

  4. Oooooo.... mischief, huh? I'll be right there....


  5. Love the little quilt top. Is that some Celebrate Spring scraps I spy? Love that fabric line! I'll stay tuned to see what you are up to this week. :)

  6. Cute quilt, perfect for baby! Oh I just know you're going to get into mischief - lol!

  7. Cute little quilt :0) There is nothing better than unsupervised time. No dinner to fix, is always my favorite part. I look forward to seeing what other mischief you get into LOL.


  8. No hubby for the week--watch out for Pam!! he,he,he....

    Do you use a steam cleaner for your carpeting or rent a Rug Doctor? Curious.

  9. No husband for a week.......none stop quilting.....don't worry about the mess! Have fun!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~