
Tuesday, August 02, 2011

More Swapping and Shopping

I told you that I did another swap recently didn't I?  Well I did.  I am becoming totally addicted to swapping.  What a great way to change up your stash, right?  Well, that being said, this is the little bundle I swapped for. Just the cutest little Neptune bundle ever! All tied up with a Denyse Schmidt selvage!

I have a layer cake of this line and a square signed by none other than Tula Pink herself (from spring market). I will have to hoard save this amazing fabric until the right quilt comes along to use it in. Have any of you made Neptune quilts? Maybe you can point me in the direction of pictures of them so I can get some ideas.

I went to the Sally Ann last weekend (I really need to stay OUT of that shop) and found some more vintage sheet goodness. Who could resist, really when everything that was white tagged was 50% off?? Not me that's who! Here's the score.
More Vintage Sheets

I think the one in the lower right corner is sooooo much like a cross between these 2 fabrics in the Dream On line by Moda.

Funny how old is new again isn't it? So let me know if you have any Neptune quilts and also if you have done any neat Vintage Sheet quilts. I'm always looking for inspiration. I love the Vintage Sheets blog, but maybe you guys have some additional quilts for me to view!!  ~XOP~


  1. I have some matches to your vinage sheets. I haven't decided what to make with them yet. So many options, can't wait to see what you come up with.

  2. she loves vintage sheets too:)

  3. Love your site I'll be back


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