
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Swap Received

I have just a minute before I have to head off to the dentist for a crown (someone I worked with told me that once I got my crown I would be a princess...I told him I'm already a princess and would just as soon pass on this particular crown!) and thought I would chat for a few minutes.  I HATE going to the dentist, especially for something like a crown.  UGH, I sit all white knuckled and everything while they work.  I think I may ask them for gas today to help with my dental anxiety!  ACK!  OK, taking my mind off that,  I received another wonderful swap package in the mail recently and thought I would share with you.
Swap fabric from sccardgirl

Some Flea Market Fancy with a little Heather Ross thrown in for good measure. Sweet huh?

Have you heard of Zulily? Me either, until my friend Mary sent me an invite. So off I went to check it out and guess what they happen to have on sale right now? Munki Munki pjs! Check out the pair I got. I'd show you but it won't let me borrow their image. It has skaters all over it. I love Munki Munki. I don't use them except to cut up and use in my quilts. Any of you Munki fans? If so you can use my code and I will get credit.

So if you are a BIG fan like me, use my invite and order up a storm. I also found a percent off coupon code coupguru922 and received an additional amount off my purchase. When I subtracted it from my shipping I ended up only paying $1.95 for shipping.

Let me know if you check it out. Have a wonderful afternoon!! ~XOP~


  1. Good Luck at the dentist. Ayden has to go in soon again.

    I will go check out the Zulily:)

  2. How "drill" it go? Was the "thrown" comfortable as you got crowned? =P I hope it didn't hurt too terribly much...well, at least not so bad that a "fabric-fix" wouldn't help. =)


  3. ACK - not a crown! I always get the gas - they hit me with everything they have, lol. I'm such a chicken but my dentist is awesome. I've been going to him since I was 20. I told him he can't retire without my permission, or move without taking me with him.
    Cute fabrics, girl!

  4. Glad you found something you liked at the Munki Munki sale Pam! Good job finding a discount coupon too - I didn't find that! Your swap fabric is all adorable!

  5. hey we are twins....i just got a new crown too....unfortunately it wasn't a princess one either. i totally get dental anxiety too!


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