
Monday, October 10, 2011

The Traveling Stash

I was reading some blogs recently when I got to my friend Jen's blog.  She has posted about a Traveling Stash.  "What's that?"  I asked her.  Well, it is a HUGE box of quilt related "stuff" that comes to visit you.  You take from it what ever you want and add some stuff from your stash to it.  You then host a giveaway, choose a winner and send it on to the next person!  Interesting.  So I threw my hat into the ring for a chance for the Stash to come and visit me.  I WON!!!  It arrived this weekend.  I took a few pictures of the TS, as well as what I took and what I added.  If you are interested in being the next stop for the Traveling Stash you need have a blog AND  leave me a comment telling me something about yourself and why you would like the TS to come visit with you!

Traveling Stash

The Traveling Stash

Books and some patterns from the TS

There is so much jam packed into this box, I couldn't even spread it all out! Check out Jen's blog for some additional pictures. You will be amazed!

Here is what I took. Some Joel Dewberry Heriloom charm squares, some larger fabrics, some hankies and an apron with the little birds on it.
What I took From the Traveling Stash

This is what I added. Some fabric samples from the lines Poodle and McKenzie (totaling several yards of each line) .  I tried to add somethings I would like to take, so please do the same.

McKenzie fabric samples
To reiterate here are the rules:

1-You must have a blog

2-You may take whatever you want from the stash but you must replenish the box

3-You agree to host a giveaway on your blog and to send the TS on to the winner

So have I piqued your interest??   Well just leave me a comment telling me something about yourself and why you would like the TS to visit your house.  You MUST have a blog so you are able to host a giveaway.  US friends only, please due to shipping costs.

I will choose a winner on Saturday and notify the winner so please be sure I have a way to contact you (ie you are not a No Reply Blogger)


  1. I had the pleasure of receiving Ts Box #1 so it would be fun to see what has evolved with Box #2. The books would be great to help with our community library restore from the flooding - our guild kept a section for them and it was all lost.

  2. I would love to be able to add to the Traveling Stash. I have been following both boxes from the beginning. Something about me? I'm an avid blog reader!

  3. What a fabulous idea :) I haven't heard of the TS before and from Stray Stitches comment there are 2 traveling boxes! How have I missed them? Please count me into the drawing...I have a blog....I'm an eclectic stash builder with fabrics from recycled clothing to the newest lines, brights to subdued, solids to bold patterns....I LOVE fabric.

  4. Count me in.... I've been reading about the Traveling Stash and think it would be fun to add to the box before sending it on it's way!

  5. I have been following this particular box across blogland. I would love for it to land on my long southern front porch, so I could sit on the porch swing and peruse the goodies inside while sitting in the nice cool fall air. It is the giveaway that keeps on giving. :)

  6. I would *so* love to do this!! What fun -- it's like getting to go through someone else's stash! Or rather, that's exactly what it is -- count me in!!! I have a blog, I'm happy to replenish, and I'd love a reason to have another giveaway!!! :)

  7. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I've enjoyed following this stash over the last few stops and would love the chance to do some stash swapping!

    ~ meagan

  8. How very cool! I would love for the traveling stash to come visit! I already know what i would add to it!! I do have a blog!
    tamaraboatright at gmail dot com

  9. I love this idea and would love to have a chance to play with the traveling stash and have plenty to add to it. Thanks for the chance!

  10. What a great idea...I definetly want in! Would love a chance to go thru the stash and then add more! Thanks for the chance.

  11. I'd love for the traveling stash to come visit my house. I have a blog an dhave some goodies that I could add. There are also a couple of the goodies that I have my eye on that have been in the TS for a couple of times now. Fingers crossed, fingers crossed...

  12. The forum I'm in recently had a "Treasure Bag" which is like a smaller version of the Travelling stash as it's whatever you can fit in a prepaid 500gm bag. It is actually quite a lot! We had a great time with it and will be doing another one early next year. Have fun with your TS :).

  13. I would so love to win the elusive stash! My fingers are crossed!

  14. I love the traveling stash! I think it is such a fun idea. I love looking through other people's stash and the traveling stash is a fun way to do that.

  15. I think it would be fun to see the traveling stash and take some goodies out. I have a lot of things here that would be good to add.

  16. I would love to have this again. This is so fun!!

  17. I've been stalking the Traveling Stash for a while now - it's such a great idea!! I have a blog, would absolutely be willing to host the Traveling Stash, and promise to re-stash it with great stuff after I loot it! And something about myself? I work with/coordinate a quilt ministry at our church that, as of today, has given away 152 quilts in the past year and a half!

  18. This sounds like fun. I have always loved getting to "share" other quilters stuff: it happens at the guild sometimes. Also, other people choose things that I might not buy but when I see it would love to use. Count me in. I can always use more "stuff" and all free fabric is used here as I try to make at least one charity quilt each month. Thanks.

  19. When I win (3 times) a quilting raffle basket, I always pick out what I can use, then find people to pass the other stuff on to. I hate to waste all the goodies. It's also fun to share with other quilters. This would be a great reason for me to go thru some of my stuff in the basement. Who knows what great surprises I'll find to add.

  20. Oh I would love to have a chance at a traveling stash box. I made a new years resolution to only shop from from stash, and get rid of scraps too. Some new fabrics in the mix would be great. Plus I have been making a pile of stuff I no longer wanted, so I already have stuff to refill the box with. Not only do I quilt, but I love to camp and I have my own motorcycle too. I also have 4 Labradors, hence then name of my blog

  21. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I've been reading about this on Stray Stitches, and it sounds like fun! I'd love a chance at the box. I could rotate some out and some in for only the cost of postage!

    I traveled in a 5th wheel full time with my husband for five years. When he died, it was too much to do alone so I settled in TN, far away from everything I know, but it's been a great choice. Lots of quilt shops within 100 miles, and most much closer!

  22. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Hi Mama Spark. I'm a full time quilter, etsy shop owner, and fabric addict. I would love to be the next host of the TS. I have an active blog and would love to host a giveaway and keep the TS moving along full of goodies.

  23. The Traveling Stash box sounds like great fun. I have been trying to keep track of it ever since I read about it on Sharon V's blog. I love to poke around and see what kind of things other quilters are using or not using.
    I have a blog.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~