
Monday, November 07, 2011

American Folk Art Museum

Here is the second installment on my day trip to the American Folk Art Museum.  First of all they moved.  Downsized considerably!  It is now just one small floor.  But the nice thing is they were having a quilt display!  The quilt that greeted me was one commemorating 9/11. 
The National Tribute Quilt.

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This quilt was done in 5 quilt sections:

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I couldn't stand back far enough to get the whole thing in but you get the idea. VERY moving!

This was the exhibit that was there along with the National Tribute Quilt

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all the quilts were star themed! There were some beauties there too! They ranged from the more traditional to the more creative.

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Does this one remind anyone else of Swoon?

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Very patriotic

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Beautiful Seven Sisters and an awesome crazy quilt

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There were 2 in particular that caught my interest this one because of how different it was compared to the rest (love the dolphins). Almost a Hawaiian feel to it.
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And I have to say I could not for the life of me figure out the "star" theme in this one until I read the plackard. Can you figure it out? It is all tied and the stars are tied in a slightly different color thread! Very interesting!!

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The hand work on this one was lovely!

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I loved the circular triangles in this one.

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Here are a few more

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That last one reminded me of something Sarah Fielke might do! I love it!!
The colors in this one were typical Amish colors but it was almost impossible to get any kind of good picture of it b/c it was behind glass with lights beaming directly on to it!

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So that concludes the tour of the museum oh, but wait, there is one more thing I saw in the gift shop that I thought I would share with you too. It is soooo true!

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LOL. I hope you have enjoyed the tour of the museum with me! There were some beautiful quilts. When I finally left the museum I was very close to the south west corner of Central Park so I decided to detour that way and get a glimpse into at least part of that gigantic place so off I went. They are gearing up for a super huge marathon in the part on Sunday so there were a lot of race type things there. It was a beautiful sunny day so I decided to chance it. B/c let's face it, I needed to carry all that thread and fabric to just a few more places and walk a few more miles while holding it right? (Did I tell you that I am in a challenge at the gym where I have the final weigh in the Monday after I get home? Yeah, so there is that and I am eating so lugging that stuff was helping me right?? right??) LOL.

On to Central Park! I had to walk past this beautiful church on the way, I have no idea which church it was but it was pretty!

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This was part of the race concourse

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The buildings through the trees in the sun were pretty too

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I really liked the pillars on this bridge and look what I found when I looked down to the end of the bridge railing.

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As I exited the park I came upon this fountain

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And statue

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Whew! I needed to get back to the hotel and rest!! Tomorrow is the trip into the city with my DH!! (I think I am going to make him go back to get some more thread, giggle, so I won't have to carry it!!) Stay tuned for more of my adventures. We are leaving on Monday after lunch but spending the night somewhere on the way so I am writing my posts ahead and scheduling them to post so I can keep up with the NaBloPoMo and post every day.

Just a side note, I want to thank everyone that takes the time to comment. I know everyone is busy and all but it really makes me feel good when you take a minute to let me know you are there!! I try to respond to all my comments but sometimes my life gets in the way too, just know that I read each and everyone of them and I really, really appreciate them! I write for myself, to keep track of my life and much like my quilting, because I *have to*. It's nice to know that someone else reads and relates to my life too!! Thanks guys!! ~XOP~


  1. I have been following and readying your adventures - was waiting for you to get home - bad me.Thanks for sharing your trip - loved all the quilty finds by the way.

  2. What a wonderful trip! I'm not even tired! It was so fun to see NYC again! It has been quite a few years! I'm so glad you are having fun! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I hope you have those expandable suitcases.. and even those will be crying LOL.

  4. Thanks for the wonderful quilt show! You make NYC look so fun! I've never been there (except with you) so thanks for the opportunity to go! :)

  5. me, too ... you!

    (from Shrek III)


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~