
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Finally...My Purchases

I finally managed to take some photos of the things I bought along the way to, in and on the way home from NYC.  Grab a cuppa and let's take a look see shall we?

First up on the way to NYC.  I managed to snag some of the orange Sebastian (of Ghastly fame) and a JR of Sweet!!  WOO HOO

Sweet Sebastian

Next up was the visit to The City Quilter and some more Ghastlies.


I also found some Wee Wonderfuls patterns packed up with some dish towels. I also got a little of this odd plant print. Can't remember who makes it but I loved it!

Wee Wonderfuls

I put all my Liberty purchases together here and I found some Jansdotter fabric too.


At B & J Fabrics I found some FFA and another beautiful Liberty print, don't you think?


Next trip was down to the Garment District to look for silk and other stuff. I found leather scraps to make thimbles with.


Then I did find some silk. See that one on the right, that was the one we ended up going back for b/c I couldn't live without it!! The fabric on the left is the linen I spoke of.

Linen and silk 2

I know you are dying to see my pearls right? Well here they are and doesn't that turquoise silk show them off well?

Pearls and silk

Well, time for the ride home and the spoils from that ride. I loved this roof fabric and DH thought the calendar was GREAT!

Calendar green roof

It's a little difficult to see the fabric on the left well but it is striped with aqua and green.

Pretty blues

I was so excited to find some Swell at one of the shops too!!

Swell and dandilions

The shop in Montourville had a lot of Civil War and reproduction fabrics but this one reminded me of Christmas peppermints.


I needed to find some fall fabric for a project with one of the groups I belong to, but at the same time I was intriqued with the nave and orange combo fabrics I found too! What do you think of these?

Fall colors 2

So there you have it, my haul from the trip!! Now I have to find somewhere to put it all, lol. I am anxious to do some sewing but am still digging out from the trip. I did go back to Zumba today and that felt good. I did a lot of cleaning and laundry and I still need to get to the grocery store. I hope you are having a good weekend too. Did any of you have a chance to make the block I designed? I would love your feed back. Have a great weekend! ~XOP~


  1. Lovely fabrics of such variety! Yes I made your block - on my blog as well as the flicker group. I love it being a star block person.

  2. What a great bunch of fabric Pam! Hope you get time to sew soon.

  3. You did very well! Your silk is a lovely color! Happy sewing :-)

  4. Wow... what a haul! Lovely fabrics... and that turquoise silk is stunning!

  5. Looks like a productive and fun trip was had. I am still collecting my fabric for the QAl. I may start next weekend. Should I cheat and do yours first?

  6. What fun, wonderful fabrics you found, Pam! And your pearls are gorgeous, just gorgeous! You'll have happy hands for a while, won't you?!? :)

  7. Love that orange/cat fabric.

    I'm going to tag along with you someday on a trip to NYC. It would be fun.


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~