
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Here Goes Nothing

The day for surgery has finally come.
I am excited and a little nervous too.
Yesterday the surgical nurse called and after our conversation she told me no jewelry.
What??  I can't get my wedding ring and diamond off my fingers anymore.
So on the way home from work yesterday, I stopped at a local jewelry store and had them cut off.
  I haven't had those rings off my fingers for 28 years!!

My cut rings

I was OK with getting the Iolite ring cut off but for some reason cutting off my wedding band was really hard for me.
I plan on getting them resized though when I am healed.
I have diamonds from my mom, grandma and great grandma so I am thinking about having them all set together.
Could be a cool ring!

OK folks this blog will be quiet for a few days at least. I'm home sometime tomorrow.
I will put up a post when I can to let you know how it went.
I am looking forward to this being done and beginning a new era in my life.
Children are wonderful but the birthing process wreaks havoc, LOL.

So until I return, make lots of cool things for me to be inspired by!!



  1. Wishing you well with your surgery and a quick recovery!

  2. Sending good thoughts and a little happy prayer for a smooth surgery and a safe and speedy recovery...!

  3. Good luck!! Sending positive energy and thoughts your way :) See you when you get back!

  4. Best wishes for a smooth procedure and prayers for a speedy recovery.

  5. wishing all goes as planned and a quick recovery!

  6. Blessings and prayers are with you during surgery and recovery.

  7. You must be blogging while waiting for your surgery. I have been trying to catch up on my reading to see what you are having surgery for and have not yet. My prayers are with you that what ever it is the recovery is quick and not much or any pain involved.

  8. I'll be sending healing energy your way!

  9. Definitely will keep you lifted in my prayers! Hugs and lots more hugs!! :)

  10. awwww. sniff sniff, what a sad picture.... but worth it and hope your surgery goes well- don't know what it is, but hope you recover quickly and easily.

  11. Wishing you well Pam! I'll be thinking of you!

  12. Good luck Pam. I'm thinking you're having the same surgery I just had on Friday. Piece of cake except for that first time getting up. After that it's all uphill.

  13. All the best with your surgery.
    I can't get my wedding ring off either, last time I had surgery, they just covered it with surgical tape. Shame you had to get your cut. Sandy.

  14. well wishes for a quick and painless recovery!

    i'm still trying to convince my husband of the benefits of getting our fingers tattooed...he's not warming up with that idea. i might do it without him :)

  15. Good luck! Hope you are back to your life soon.

  16. Sad face to not quilting on the next couple Wednesdays. I hope you recover swiftly!

  17. Hope all went well today... wishing you a speedy recovery!

  18. Thinking of you and hoping everything is well soon! Sorry about your rings :(

  19. Good luck and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers!


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