
Thursday, February 02, 2012

Sorry I've Been MIA

I know I usually post more frequently and I am so sorry I have been MIA.
I just got a really nice email from a friend asking how I was doing so I thought I should probably post, LOL.
I have been busily working on the crib quilt pattern for Jacquie so I can't show you all that.
Although I have to say, it is just amazing!
I have the top done and plan to work on the back today.
I designed a pieced back so maybe she will like it and use it in her pattern?
Who knows!
Since I have been working on something I can't show I didn't know what to post about.
  I try to put a lot of quilty stuff on my blog and since I can't share this I have been quiet.

If you are wondering how I'm feeling, I'm GREAT!
I have not taken any pain meds since last week Friday and I am chomping at the bit to get out of the house!!!
I did go out yesterday, even though I am not supposed to drive until Friday.
I went to JAF and picked up these beauties.

Aunt Edna

The new DS Quilts Aunt Edna line. They feel so nice! See that print on the top?
I still need that one in the orange colorway. I see they have it on the JAF website but I am too cheap to pay that for it! I bought it at 30% off with a 20% off coupon too.
I will check the Ann Arbor store soon.

So there you have it.
Everything I have been up to.
I have been working on some pattern testing for Jacquie, stalking an aqua Hello Kitty sewing machine on Ebay, and doing a lot of reading. 
What have you been up to??



  1. I know what you mean about not knowing what to post! And sometimes I forget to get my pics off of my camera and DH leaves the house with it and I have nothing to show! Seems I never remember about it when I should.
    Look forward to seeing the quilt when you CAN show it! I know how that one goes, too! Trudy

  2. Glad to hear that you're feeling good and wanting to get out of the house is a great sign! I've only been in my sewing room for about 2 hours in the past week, need to get back to work on my BOM projects!

  3. Glad you are feeling better - and yes, wanting to get out is a good sign. Me, I caught up on my sleep today.

  4. I'm so glad you're feeling well, sweetie, been praying for you! Glad you got out too, that fabric is gorgeous. I didn't even look when I was there Sunday, I had something in mind and used my tunnel vision. Can't wait to see what you're doing for Jacquie!

  5. I'm *so* glad you're feeling so very good!! Yay for quick and complete recoveries!!!! :)

  6. Good to hear from you Pam. Not much reception here at the condo, I don't know how to post to my blog fom Ipad and my email is royally screwed up. I'm not getting most of them from what I can tell. Aunt Edna is beautiful. Don't overdo it when hubby is gone.


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