
Sunday, July 08, 2012

I'm The Queen Bee This Month

I joined an online bee, Bee Vintage. 
 I have made my blocks and sent them away and this month it is my turn to choose a block. 
 First I had to make my block to send to Linda.  
She wanted wonky stars. 
 I really love this block and will, at some point make some for myself for a quilt for my own bed. 
 In the mean time here is Linda's block.

I chose a block entitled Garden Fence.
 I first saw the block over at Cindy's blog.  
 I think I am really going to love these blocks!

I received my first block yesterday from Nikki.

Isn't it great??

I dropped off a quilt top that I pieced in exchange for some binding work. 
 I got the U of M donation quilt and Yolanda's first quit back and all bound. 
 They look great thanks Pauline
 I pieced a top for her in exchange. 
 This is the top. 
 The pattern is called Crazy Rail. 
The top is not difficult to piece just HOT to work with flannel!

Pauline gave me half of a pillow case she used to use as a child to add to my VS collection. 
 Isn't this a beauty?

I will show you Yolanda's 2 quilts and 
the 2 MHC donation quilts once I finish all the binding on them. 
 So much to bind!!

The weather seems to have broken, finally, and it is a beautiful summer day here. 
My cone flowers are in full bloom and they look so fantastic!

Have a wonderful Sunday and enjoy your day!



  1. I love wonky star blocks.... but the garden gate block is pretty cool!

    You've been working hard!

  2. Love the vintage blocks! You have been very busy. I have planted at least 4 different Cone flowers in my flower boarder over the last 4 years. None of them ever come back. I could grow them like crazy where we lived before. I have decided I am not going to buy any more of them. Somewhat sad because I love them.

  3. Wow -- you weren't kidding, were you?! I love the colors/fabric in your block from Nikki -- just lovely!! :)

  4. My Echinacea plants are leaning forward..don't know why:( They are still pretty though.

    Your bee block is very pretty as well!!

  5. Your star block is lovely. The flower fabric is very pretty. The garden fence block looks good. I have a garden fence quilt in the making. Your crazy rail is really striking. Great colour combination.


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