
Sunday, September 09, 2012

Finally a Finish I Can Post About

I finished the binding on The Ugly Quilt Part Deux. 
I got it back from Liz and it was fabulous, of course.

Here is the back

This shows the amazing quilting, in teal thread!

And a close up of the front.

This quilt is now available for purchase in my ETSY if you are interested.
I have been working on some other projects too. 
 I joined a AMH charm swap and am looking forward to that. 

I went to my dad's on Friday and now I am officially paying all his bills for him. 
 I still need to get the POA so it is official but online doesn't ask.  
How was your weekend??



  1. I like it! funny how you named it and then put it up on etsy :-) ha ha

  2. I think it's funny how you named it and how darling I think it is! What fabric line did you use? The quilting is fabulous! :)

  3. That quilt turned out so well, Pam! Good for you on taking such good care of your dad, hon.

  4. I don't consider that quilt ugly at all. I'm sure you'll have to spend a bunch of time taking care of your dad's finances but the work will be worth it. My absolutely nothing done o the sewing front. Hopefully tomorrow.

  5. You might want to make sure the POA includes a medical POA in case he ever needs to be admitted for treatment or to a nursing home and is unable to speak for himself. You also, though I know it is hard having been there myself, may want to have him fill out a living will indicating his wishes on end of life treatments. We managed to get this done just a few weeks before my mother would have not been considered in her right mind from her dementia, and that is only because we did on one of her few "good" days.


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