
Sunday, September 02, 2012

Margaret's Hope Chest Work Day

I hope everyone here in the US is enjoying their holiday weekend. 
 I was ill most of yesterday, food poisoning, but am feeling ok today. 
 I had to drive an hour to pick up DH yesterday and
 had to stop at a rest area for awhile, if you know what I mean. 
 I wasn't sure I was going to make it. 
 I went right to bed with my heating pad, when we got home.

Last Saturday I spend a wonderful half a day with some amazing women
 making quilts for Margaret's Hope Chest.   
Amanda Jean Nyberg was there and who doesn't love to spend time with her?!  
We all worked with blocks that others had sent in. 
 It was a block that Amanda Jean had done a tutorial on.  
Oh look, Amanda Jean was sewing too!

 This was the set up and there were ~20 women there working.

It was fun day with a lot of wonderful women, making quilts for a great cause!

Here are a couple of finished quilts. (Both sides)

Carin talked about receiving this old quilt and re-making it into this one. 
 It was really beautiful!

Amanda Jean spoke about her book and was happy to sign a copy for you!

Next was a small show and tell done by Amanda Jean too.  

I was the most excited to see Ticker Tape in person!  
This is a beautiful quilt!

This is a top that Amanda Jean made using her scraps. 
 I love the Art Gallery solids she used for the backgrounds. 
 I have a bundle of these and this would be a great way to use them. 
 It would also be a good way to use scraps as a leader/ender project too!

I am so happy I was able to participate in this great work day and
 look forward to doing so again in the future. 
 So Carin, if you need/want help setting this up again let me know and
 I would be happy to help you out!



  1. Ohhhh, I am SO, SO, SO, SO seriously jealous!! Two people I would seriously love to spend the day creating with!! Wow! Looks like a very productive day!

  2. P.S. Glad you are feeling better!

  3. You all put some beautiful quilts together for your wonderful cause! Have a wonderful Holiday!

  4. I am so glad you are feeling better. Thos e quilts all look so pretty, but my favorite one is the one that looked like small half circles or half oblongs, on a white background.

  5. What a fun day and worthy cause! Glad you're feeling better...that's icky stuff. :)

  6. Glad you are feeling better and you didn't have to go to the hospital. Looks like a fun packed day stitching with Amanda Jean...and for a very good cause. I'm guessing the 100+ batting squares were put to good use. Ticker tape is a cool quilt. Have a wonderful week!!


Your comments make my day so much more special. Please, I invite you to share what you think. ~Happy Stitching~